As a Community, we do not want RDF

The Lead Dev himself tweeted out saying a MAJORITY of people wanted it out of the game, you need to come back to Reality and learn better coping mechanisms because we will NEVER have RDF again. We the majority do NOT want it.

Not sure what unscribe is, but you and your friends could just choose not to use it. Pretty simple.

They don’t even know who the Lead Dev is so I don’t think that will work Rdf.

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Classic wrath is what it was originally, as it was released back in the day, or it should be. The changes being made make it more like today’s retail than anything.

Remember how we were never going to expansion-themed servers?

Remember how we were going to get a dance studio to have new dances for existing races?

It’s as if what Blizzard says can and does change?

Doesn’t work that way, LFG chat should be the ONLY method of finding a group. RDF kills socialization.

No Retail Wrath has timewalking you can go experience that for the RETAIL experience, here in Classic we do NOT want RDF and will not have it. It does not matter what Retail has or doesn’t have as we are a completely separate game.

None of this has ANYTHING to do with Classic, nice try though.

Don’t you ever get bored of trolling? There is a lot more productive things to do with your time. Like I’m leveling an alt rn, are you? Maybe watch a show; House of the Dragon is fantastic. Learn a new language?

Anything besides wasting your time trolling these forums with your 10 alt accounts.

Not the issue we’re actually discussing. Besides I came back before TBC and I didn’t give a thought to them then or now. RDF on the other hand…that matters to me.

I am saving Classic from people like you and others who are looking to ruin it, as long as it keeps Blizzard from adding back in RDF and it keeps you pro-RDF trolls at bay I will continue to assert the dominance of the majority.

People kill socialization not group finding tools … but you do you boo … the actual Majority wants RDF and we will have it … It is the way!!

and no one really cares about you and your 3 friends … if they even are your real friends

Funny how the Dev said the opposite and removed it, you don’t have to be a sore loser just because you’re on the side that lost. It’s ok to be a good sport about losing.

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Not even remotely empirical data. Try again.

Here comes the circular arguments though, having these troglodytes blast their opinion as if it they type it enough it will become factually true.

A multi billion dollar company is more trustworthy than a random forum user like yourself, if they say a MAJORITY wanted it out then I am inclined to believe they had the data.

What’s with your assumption I play modern retail? I’ve stated before I have no interest in it. Also the timewalking wrath is probably a poor cousin of what wrath actually was. I want wrath as it was at release, that’s the classic version to me. I really couldn’t care what it does to your “community”.

Kind of weird that you guys keep creating new threads, considering how sure you are RDF isn’t coming.

You worried, bro?

And we don’t care what happens to the minority of people crying about RDF either, Wrath Classic WILL be successful without RDF.

Exactly. Good post.


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Careful anyone that supports no RDF is going to be attacked by the pro-RDF bullys and thugs in this thread.

Just realize we are the MAJORITY.

Then why is almost every openly sourced poll, from MMO champion, to the wow forums, to 99% of the steaming community overwhelmingly in favour of RDF?

Damn those pesky facts eh?