Just because I am VERY efficient doesn’t make me not casual. I also watched the cutscenes when I leveled. My first toon definitely took all night. I just spammed dungeons with friends on the other toons. I guarantee you I have played less time than you have since Aug 22nd.
While I applaud you in also having extremely efficient time management, don’t assume that I am not busy. I run an entire household, homecook 2 meals a day (one for kid and one for my wife and I). I sit on the board of 5 nonprofits, and of course I have my career and social life. Sure, You’re probably a little busier than I am, but managing 5 nonprofits takes quite a bit of evenings each month from me. And yes it is Blizz’s fault for delaying M+ and heroic week longer than necessary. I’ve played about 25-28 hours in 2 weeks and I have nothing to do…
Since Sunday I have logged 2.3 hours in the game, so we play about the same.
I am sorry for being incredibly efficient and not AFK flying around the city all day…