As a casual I must speak

This game has gone too far in the direction of elitists who play elitist content like normal halls of atonement. They need to add more content for the true gamers of us who are still on azeroth. I don’t have time to learn mythic plus routes for all 500 shadowlands dungeons, i’m far too busy exploring the intricacies of the goldshire inns basement but there hasn’t been any content added to it since 2010.




If you can’t understand my thread, clearly i’m far too intelligent for you. Unless you agree with me, in which case thank you for agreeing.

Lady, I think you are insane. Can I recommend you a good Asylumm on stormwind?

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you’re a shaman not a warlock. you have no business being down there. worry about yourself.

You’re not a casual.

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Oh look at that! An elitist gatekeeping casuality!

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i haven’t been there in a while, you should show me around and refresh my memory :wink:

Actually I’m a non bad casual :man_shrugging:t3:

that makes one of us. :sob:

that’s just gaming culture now. welcome to a new age, that’s in and of itself is not a dev problem.

however, what i do think is a dev problem is lack of casual progression opportunities and promotion of the tryhard culture with stuff like MDI. so i kind of agree to a certain extent :frowning:

From my perspective the non bad casuals are elitist!

Since my trust level is below nine thousand!!!

I hate people, why does nobody wants to play with me, also remove raider io!



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raiderio literally came to my house and ate my dog but blizzard hasn’t arrested them yet. I’m starting to think blizzard might have been taken over by ubisoft.

This, this is a Sunday thread… prequel

No, they’ve been taken over by the Mythic raiders led by Limit, Ion just let them in.