As a casual I must speak

Hrmm I might go explore there next… for science ofcourse.

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smh, i remember when this game was more about the fans with exciting zones like grizzly hills. Now its all about doing dungeons, and raiderios, and maui metrics.


wife and i saw someone from limit in maldraxxus when we were out doing WQ the other day. just being in his presence i felt my casualness being stripped from me.

What timezone are you in that it’s Sunday already?

I could go for a luau dungeon or two.

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What can I say except you’re welcome?

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Lol, what?

people try to hide mean spirited-ness behind humor.

I believe you’re suppose to get a few people and make your own content. Some solo, some 1 on 1 and some group… whatever combinations you like.

Get your shots first, you are gonna need them.

oh so we’re supposed to make our own content instead of blizzard? its no wonder this games going down to detroit. I’m so glad i’m unsubbing in 20 yrs to play robotniks mean bean machine if this is the mentality players have these days.

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I am an elitist casual :rage:, get on my level

I agree with you

U right. U got your mama some flowers today?