Arugal is the only PvP Oceanic server available and is already listed as high population. It is inevitable that it will be full by launch as there are a large number of players that will not pay for a sub just to reserve a name. As there is only one server option for Oceanic PvP players and it will be full by launch, it is likely to have the highest queues of any server because there is no alternative for players to move to when they are met by extended queues.
Blizzard, please provide Oceanic players with a new PvP realm now to avoid ruining launch week for the Oceanic region. Allow the community to disperse naturally now rather than in the midst of launch catastrophe.
Just imagine US Herod lol…
You guys should be fine. I’m thinking optimistically here.
I’d like another Oce PvP server so I can roll both factions without having to play one on a US server, but I don’t really know if our population will support it…
In the Reddit AMA, they did mention that they’re ready to add more realms as needed based on release day numbers.
I would say, however, that I get the impression a realm switching from High to Full doesn’t instantly mean hour-long queues. Instead, Herod happens to be so far past the basic Full with people still rolling there, that it is going to be one of the worst.
Other realms may have queues, particularly at a time when “everyone” is trying to log in (release), but settle back down within the week as people get back to more normal schedules and are logging in over a more spread out period.
They are going to open 2 new normal realms and 2 new pvp realms on Monday for NA. I fully support you though, I hope OCE gets at least 1-2 more realms
I think it will be okay. Considering it launches at 8am for us there will be a lot of people who miss launch due to work, school, uni etc which should serve to naturally spread the server load throughout the day.
It will still be packed, but hopefully not to the point of crashes or unplayable lag.
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No. All you have to do is look at the current faction balance between retail frostmourne and barthillas so see what would happen if another realm was created. Right now surveys are showing close to 50/50
Blizzard advised us that that high realms will have extended queues and that players should move to less populated realms. That’s great for every other region, but Oceanic players literally have no where else to go despite knowing for sure that we’re headed for extended queues.
This doesn’t make any sense.
I think we’re just gonna have to deal with it unfortunately
No. We do not need more realms at this point in time.
They have said they will consider the possibility of creating another if required AFTER launch and they see how populations are.
Remulos is waiting for anyone wanting to escape the PvP trolls. All non trolling/spam/wpvp folks welcome.
Blizzard is telling everyone else to move off high realms because of queues, so by definition we DO need another pvp realm. Remulos is not an option.
Whats the faction balance like? For arugal.
I picked ally due to paladin
We don’t want toxic troll players anyway.
P.S I have confirmation via certain official channels that were will not be any prior to launch. I’m not sharing such information to keep the identity of these people safe.
As such there may be new servers after launch but there will NOT be any prior to launch.
I thought they were saying to move off of Full realms, not High. Arugal is only High at this point.
Blizzard updated us on this issue today.
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yeah im with the people here saying no. We definitely don’t want two pvp realms to split off each faction like frosty and barth. the split at the moment is perfect. and yeah, it will die down after launch a lot. I highly doubt there will be too much of a queue to get in even at peak times. I remember being on frosty at a few expansion releases and even then the queue was maybe an hour max.
Yahoo, just finished work. Seven glorious wow classic filled days. Going out for supply of diapers and crap food tomorrow. Let the fun begin 
Happy for you mate but sadly that grin is likely to be wiped from your face by launch.
don’t be silly… no one is going to work or school that day. lol. all jokes a side, if we see queues at 8am, just imagine what 8pm will be like.