Artifact weapons should still be the weapons we use today

So you don’t care about what random trait relics you slap in the artifact and the ilvl boost makes it on par with maybe a normal dungeon blue. Those aren’t rare and they certainly aren’t hard to get. You aren’t making a compelling case as to why this should be readded, because your argument of “you can get a subpar weapon and then forget about it” still applies today with weapons being put back on drop tables…

They were horrible for playing multiple specs. I’m glad they’re gone. Infinite borrowed power systems suck.

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Ap was the only problem. The giving using the weapon for the whole expansion made it easier for alts. I didn’t have to worry about a weapon drop just the tokens. The ap had a minimum to farm after that it wasn’t a problem.

Well yeah, obviously stat-wise, I’m just saying that the weapon itself has to be crafted better than a dungeon weapon drop.

They were fine post 7.2.

They were only slightly better. And no, I never want to deal with that crap again.

But relics were how you increased your weapon’s ilevel. Without them, you had the functional equivalent of a quest green weapon with a fancy on-use effect. Relics dropping from bosses was functionally exactly the same as weapons dropping from bosses before and after Legion, but worse, because you needed more of them, you couldn’t use multiples of the same one, and each one came with a special power that made them dramatically better or worse than each other.

They had literally all the problems of weapon drops, plus entirely new problems, and you didn’t even get transmogs or enchanting shards out of them.

I didn’t say they had to change the overall story from what they did before. It’s still got fewer souls and I’m fine with that. The reforging at the end that created the toothpick abomination garbage weapons needs to be a 2h weapon instead and it should’ve retained the name Frostmourne.

They were significantly better. Give credit where credit is due.

It was better because more loot dropped in general. And you can even get relics for offspec. Right now you have less loot and have to toggle the right spec to even get the loot. In Legion all you had to do was the quests to unlock weapons and your alts were good even without good relics.

Then your issue is with drops rates in general, which isn’t something going back to artifact weapons would fix. Bad drop rates are bad drop rates whether the drop in question is a weapon or a relic.

The only sense in which you were more “good to go” in Legion as soon as you acquired your artifact than you are now by acquiring a weapon as a level 60 quest reward is that your artifact’s name was the same color as a top end player’s instead of blue to their purple.

I’m old enough to remember cloth druids and paladins…

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Hey. I didn’t have to worry about weapons dropping in Legion. That was nice. In these expansions it feels so rare to get a weapon or weapon upgrade if you don’t do group content.

And it most certainly did help with specs that only could duel wield as they have to hunt for 2 weapons. With artifacts it put everyone on an equal playing field with 3 relics.

plus they were just plain badass.

Nope. I hated the system for artifact weapons and offspecs. Still needed relics, still had to grind out AP per spec.

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You seem to think that anyone who doesn’t follow the bis thing is wanting subpar stuff.

That’s not true. Its possible to want decent gear and not care one bit for bis.

Every expansion other than legion has had weapons featured with unique weapon procs. Not sure why you believe otherwise.

Fix 1 or 2 small issues with it and it’s perfect. Also, I didn’t see artifacts as toxic. I was perfectly happy with it and hunting down skins for it. The issues like spec locked and endless grind can be dealt with easily.

In all honesty, I would like a much more robust system where I craft my own personal weapon that I build upon. Could add in a new talent system to it that passes from one expac to the next. Wouldn’t necessarily need an artifact power grind for it. I could do without that.

All good points. The artifact weapons, if maintained, would basically become so prominent as to be inseparable from the class. Ret Paladins would be the Ashbringer 2.0

Variety is a good thing. I write this, even though I really liked the artifact weaps


The artifact system could have been what we have with the legendary system. Just upgrading a weapon we choose. Basically make our own legendary weapons. Us picking if we want maces or axes or staves etc.

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