Artifact weapons should still be the weapons we use today

Out of all the borrowed power systems the artifact weapons were the absolute best. No crap RNG of hoping a weapon would drop.


I say yes… (Only if we get to go for mage tower skins again :slight_smile: )


Can somewhat agree, I loved the Legion artifact system; I feel it would of been perfect if power auto-collected like BFA vs having to use the item in our bags but having access to a paragon-like system helps to curb out bad-luck weeks.


Only issue is transmog, it would greatly limit the options just like it did back then.


Agreed. It doesn’t even make thematic sense why we’d constantly throw away our weapons either. Armor is one thing. That’s like your clothes. But weapons? That’s your companion. You take care of it. You pass it down to your kids. Anduin isn’t wearing Varians armor, but he sure is using Varian’s swords (at least till he got kidnapped lulz).

If I were Blizzard I’d have just merely depowered the weapons. Giving you an excuse to why you might need several expansions to bring them back to their full potential again. Put in some xmogs for skin or cosmetics you can unlock through challenges. Have the weapons be powered from a currency not RNG like in Legion too.

We got more than enough item slots to roll the RNG dice for we don’t need the weapon slot to be part of it. The weapon should be effort not luck. Put in the work, get the power.

Side note, instead of the legendary system gimmick that we’ll see in Shadowlands get thrown away. I’d have just made the three jewelry slots be the “legendary” slots for the rest of the game. You get them crafted, you grind for the upgrade currency, you pick their stats and modifiers. It wouldn’t be stat sticks for secondary’s they’d focus more on the tangible power effects that the current legendaries are known for.

Blizzard needs to get rid of the whole “LOL THIS IS A GIMMICK FOR JUST ONE EXPANSION!” and actually work on changing the fundamental way the game works. We’d be far better off. With those two changes that basically means any drop you get from a boss is always going to feel nice. It’ll be your armor. It won’t be “Damn, I got another useless vers ring” and you won’t need to feel bad if you get armor instead of your weapon upgrade. Because all the drops will be armor.


Easily remedied, all Blizz would have to do is loosen mog restrictions.


And how long it took to do that the first time?

Having them as transmog skins is enough.

LoTRO has a legendary weapon system that lets you level up and continually customize a weapon that stays relevant the entire time you play. Its a grind and a drag.


Yeah, I dig the artifact weapon concept. And the netherlight crucible, from what I recall.


If I could get the affliction staff, I’d be playing this game again.

I loved affliction during Legion.


I like weapon drops, it feels nice when you do get them. But there’s downsides to keeping artifacts.

Weapons would pretty much be forever removed or reduced to a cosmetic level, which I don’t think is good for the game at all. Other characters have to go back to Legion content, two expansions ago, to get their artifacts. The talent trees would be a pain to keep relevant through class changes over time.

Artifact power would constantly be on the table. And there’d either be no more progression, you finish the tree and it never grows or gains anything again. Or they keep expanding it which becomes a nightmare. Or they reset it every expansion which is pointless.

It just gets crazy and weird. Blizz can make more detailed systems like this mainly because they don’t carry over and won’t have to be forever managed. RNG is just part of the game.


Artifact weapons pigeon-holed too many specs. into specific weapon types, a problem that’s only now been solved (somewhat). Also they polluted the loot tables with model-less trash, and drained an entire expansion of potential weapon models. It annulled the impact and meaning of WoW’s most signature weapons, and pushed the game deeper into the, “YOU are the one and ONLY super special chosen one!” single-player territory.

In short, Artifact Weapons were a mistake.

No, we really need to just ditch borrowed power altogether in all its forms. Artifacts, Azerite, Conduits… no. In the bin with all of it.

Just build and expand on the base game, and stop the snot-nosed whining about having to support things long term. We’ve gone without new talents for way the hell too long now, and that’s just for starters.


My only issue with artifact weapons was they were spec locked. Remove that (and mog restrictions) and I would gladly welcome them back! I hate having to scrounge and scrape for weapons!


I prefer being Lokka the enhancement shaman, not Lokka the Doomhammer Delivery System.


Reverting back to artifact weapons doesn’t mean reverting the restrictions as well.

And the current loot system isn’t?


I don’t understand why they went with the neck for BFA instead of just having us use Azurite to power back up our weapons we drained to save the planet. Heck they could have then had us use them again to open the portal to shadowlands and then use Anima to recharge them with whatever the new “tree” was. See I came up with a way to reuse old expansion features in like 5 min! Heck they could even add new thematic skins to go with the new power and zones.


yeah. no way i’d ever play ww ever again at this point if i was stuck not being able to use a staff or polearm mog.


People would have complained that Blizz phoned it in and BFA was just Legion 2.0

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Except people called BFA Legion 0.5 because it was such a step backwards.


People complained anyway. At least if they added cool new skins and powers to collect it would have been interesting.