Artifact weapons should still be the weapons we use today

Relics weren’t that hard to come by though. Plus the difference between two different relics for the same slot was no where near the difference between two different weapons.

The less I play an alt, the more excessive weapons I get on that alt :confused:

"Frostmourne has the ability to drain life from its victims — and to drain the soul of anyone whom it connects to. The Lich King is capable of seeing through the eyes and hearing through the ears of anyone who wields Frostmourne; this ability cannot be stopped by any mortal means. The Lich King can communicate with the wielder at will telepathically, on any plane and at any distance. The Lich King uses this ability to try and corrupt the wielder over time. This has several effects. An individual who wields Frostmourne will not part with it willingly. Over time the person will go from good to neutral and finally to evil. A non-undead evil wielder will then become undead. Finally the sword is able to suck the being’s soul into the sword. Frostmourne then retains the memories and skills of its victim. In fact, as long as the wielder’s original body remains within one mile of Frostmourne, the sword maintains control of the body, and he may not be completely aware that his consciousness has shifted to the weapon. Beyond one mile, the sword cannot control the wielder’s body, and the wielder of course finally becomes quite aware of his current state (if he is not already).

The Lich King can take possession of a soulless body that comes in contact with him and Frostmourne at the same time. The soul within Frostmourne is destroyed unless it willingly merges with the Lich King, becoming lost as a separate entity for all eternity. If a soul merges with the Lich King, he gains all the skills and memories of the victim. He has only done this one time, with Prince Arthas Menethil"

neither shadowmourne or blades of the fallen prince do THAT.

It mostly is. I can (and have) transmog Felo’melorn over staves for a Frost Mage, so they can use that sweet blue design. I have a Fire Mage who transmogged the opposite, and has the Ebonchill Frostfire appearance transmogged over Felo’melorn.

I’m not sure what you mean. If you PvP on a alt, you would be 200 ilvl from all the conquest gear. If don’t PvP, you can gear up using the vault with Mythic plus.

i can’t mog my skull mog on my warlock over a staff unless i do it as the artifact mog and i can only do that as demo. i’ve tried.

Sure, anythings possible but they didn’t bother to do this during Legion when fire mages were stuck using a 1h sword, holy pallies using a 2h mace e.t.c.

Regardless, having artifacts continue from Legion until the end of WoW would just be absolutely insane. Imagine having 1 item slot being taken over by something that would be irreplaceable forever.

Um, blades of the fallen prince are frostmourne and Shadowmourne was created to be the counterpart of frostmourne. More specifically, it was created because DK’s wanted frostmourne back in Wotlk but Blizzard didn’t want it to be an actual item so they gave them this instead.

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no blades is not frostmourne its two blades that were reforged and that aren’t on the strength of frostmourne. they gave pallies ashbringer because it wasn’t nearly as big of a deal as if they gave frost dks frostmourne, because of what frostmourne was able to do.

i’m still mad pvers got a flat 15% damage increase in legion way before pvpers did just because they had way faster means to get artefact power

If it’s the weapon slot…it sounds GLORIOUS!

Is this the one that won’t let you select daggers in the UI? Or do you mean just the skull half? That might be the really big OOF, since I don’t think the Skull of Man’ari shows up as an offhand.

They were literally forged using the shards of frostmourne.

But they did give them Frostmourne though? Just not in 2H form.

No thanks, I like getting new gear and these borrowed power systems should go.

Also imagine doing timewalking and getting a weapon drop…oh wait.

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the souls in it were what made it so powerful. as you can see that UTHER etc are not in blades… like you can argue all you’d like but blizz gave the reasoning why players never got frostmourne.

You would be getting new gear.

I agree, but since they’re doubling down on them I think it’d be best to keep the absolute best version of the borrowed power.

Would not bother me in the slightest to never have to rely on a weapon drop for the rest of my time playing wow.

Might as well make all gear not able to be replaced.

Because that’s exactly what I’m wanting…
:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Why do you feel the need to take it to such an extreme? You think this kind of garbage weakens my point and makes you look like you’ve made a clever point?

Whatever their reasoning was, it is null and void because they did in fact get Frostmourne 2 expansions ago. And also the artifact did in fact have souls inside it still.

But not weapons.

See, if we are keeping it forever then it technically isn’t borrowed power anymore.

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some souls. but not all of the souls. and i gave you the most blatant example of it as you see him in bastion.

no one would be crying about wanting frostmourne if anyone actually thought that blades = frostmourne.

Would be a good thing.

Also a good thing. Imagine having a permanent second skill tree and the options it could have.

Uther’s soul was split when he was killed by Arthas. One half went to Bastion, the other went into frostmourne.

Um, Idk what you mean by this. The blades are in fact frostmourne but just simply just remade into 2 1 handers.

No it wouldn’t. Gear progression is a huge part of an MMO.

Tied to more AP grinding? Nty.

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