Artifact weapons should still be the weapons we use today

I agree, I’m only pointing out that Blizz likely had some internal incentive to make some changes, because “Change = Progress” in the corporate world. Keeping the weapons wouldn’t have been change-y progress-y enough.

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I would rather have that than going months and no new weapon drop like I have had issues with currently. That’s pushing the vault to the 6 chances a week at least. No new weapon since December. Give me a grind relic over this any day.


Personally I think change for the sake of change has made modern wow a much worse game.


I think it is dumb that I had an artifact weapon that was beyond legendary but was replaced in short order by some green sword when BFA came out.


AP ruined it for me and the endless trait. I think the initial purpose was nice, I had a connection with the weapon for the most part BUT they kinda butchered it into an endless thing.

Artifact weapons would of made sense to stick with us, I remember they had an idea for something similar to grow with you as you leveled , their appearance would change too but was binned.

I wanted something to stick with us past the expansion BUT I feel I’d get super sick of constantly getting ‘currency’ for that item in a never ending cycle.

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Then no :slight_smile:

There’s a thousand other appearances you can use. Let 0.1% of them be exclusive for those who made the time when it was relevant.


In Lotro, once you have your legendary weapon, it never has to be replaced. You just upgrade it as you go through the expansions. It’s a really beneficial thing to the player. That is why wow would never do anything like that.

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There’s no reason to assume a new system would keep the spec lock and transmog restrictions. Honestly, I’d rather have had a permanent weapon we have been upgrading since Legion, expac to expac. Make it the new talent system basically.

What I am tired of is going months without a weapon upgrade… Pushing the vault to 6 chances a week for awhile now and still nothing.

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Except change for sake of change doesn’t always mean progress

Guys in suits aren’t concerned with the logic of it.

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Thousands you say? Yes that’s true if I did not main a druid where I look at bear or cat form all day… then no without mage towers skins I have 5 transmogs :slight_smile: which with my math I am missing 17%.

I could care less about the mage tower weapons only the forms bother me

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I would have loved it if you could upgrade any weapon to legendary status and just keep adding as time goes on. (If course it’d take a lot of work)

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Blizzard’s pathological loot stinginess is no excuse for resurrecting a toxic system.


Yeah instead we got crap relic drops littering our loot tables that quickly became unneeded, plus the AP grind was beyond dumb.

The system had potential to be great but the fun was quickly sucked out of it when relics took the place of other loot and the infinite AP grind had to be completed to be competitive.

And then only a handful of relics were actually competitive, so 95% of the relics you received in lieu of other loot were vendor trash since they didn’t buff a specific BiS trait. And then if you did get the relic you wanted with the trait you wanted, you had to go back and farm it some more till it titanforged. Then once you got one that Titanforged, you had to go back and farm it some more till it Titanforged even higher.

No idea why people look back on things and pretend like they were the greatest thing ever when they straight up weren’t. The system had enormous flaws.

Just thinking about relics is rustling my jimmies. What a dumb system, hard pass.


…which they did. You can transmog over Artifacts, and can even transmog non-Artifacts into Artifacts, with only a few limitations. Some 1-handers can become 2-handers, but not all. Shields can only be shields, and I think off-hands can only be off-hands.

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I love the artifact weapons. Especially doomhammer. I love when the orcs take notice of it when I am in Orgrimmar.

Wonder if they say something when an Alliance shammy is there with it. Other than “crush, kill, destroy!” of course.

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If waiting for a weapon upgrades to drop from a boss is a grind then weapons have always been a grind in this game.

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The problem everyone is forgetting is that Artifacts are ONE item, not two.

So its not the same has trying to transmog lets say two different fist weapons into a polearm, to the WW Artifact (Which are dual fist weapons) into a polearm.

Thats why when you try to transmog the different pieces separately of a single artifact it does not work anymore.

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You could go months without a weapon drop in any iteration of this game except for Legion. This isn’t any different.

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You’re absolutely right. And it sucked in Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, and BFA. Doesn’t change my preference.

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