Hi,I didnt see artifact weapon(Ashbringer)in any of my bag,bank and void storage.I tried reset UI and stil didnt see it.Someone help me!!
Try this.
Artifacts presently cannot be deleted or otherwise destroyed, so it’s definitely somewhere in your possession, provided you’ve already acquired it.
If you use Bagnon, I would personally recommend getting rid of it until the author updates it, because it tends to be the primary suspect in playing games with players’ inventories.
Already tried reset UI and delete all addons.Still missing.I dont know what to do next.
Did u try looking without addons perticularly baggon id go over it with a fine tooth comb its there.
If you did the full UI reset as detailed in the Support Article linked earlier, then you would have started with a default setup (thus no addons).
Once back in the game in its default state, you would search your bags & bank by using the search option on your bags. Be sure you are typing the exact name.
Artifacts cannot be deleted nor can they be placed in Void Storage (just verified in game).
Try all of that!Still no weapon.All i got is The Silver Hand for holy spec.But i still can transmorg Ash Bringer.But didnt see Ash Bringer in bags,banks and void storage.
Just to get the obvious question out of the way, has this Paladin acquired the Ashbringer artifact?
Looking at your quest progress for this Paladin on Wowhead, I don’t show your completion of the “The Search for the Highlord” quest.
So did you acquire the Ashbringer on another Paladin?
Thanks for replies,
I dont remember getting artifact or not.Cause i dont have good memory.All i got is i can transmorg artifact.But didnt have Ash bringer
I didnt have another paladin.
I dont know what to do now.
It looks like you recently started the acquisition quest chain but never completed it. Your character never earned this artifact.
The next quest you need to continue is called “Keeping the Peace”
Wowhead has a full guide on how to acquire this artifact which might help you out.
Thanks bro.Gonna do that.I’m just curious why i still can transmorg which i didnt had.
You have the Silver Hand artifact and its hidden appearance (not sure which other of its appearances/tints you have unlocked yet though).
It is possible that you are able to use some of the Ashbringer tints if they correspond to the unlocked ones you have on the Silver Hand.
I also am missing my Artifact weapons for every spec. I was going to go farm more appearances but they are not in bags or bank or void storage. I have like 10 items in bank and bags so nothing is cluttered. They are not available on item restore page. No clue where they went but I have like 10 transmog appearances for each spec so I know I got them in Legion.
Go to your bank, open all the bags and then open open all the bags on your character. Use the search tool and see if they show up.
On which character, Tokyotimxoxx? The appearances are account wide, so that you can see those isn’t confirmation that you completed those quests on that same character.
It would be this druid, it is my only high level druid
It is your only active high level Druid, but you never did any of the Legion quests on this character. You had a Highmountain Tauren Druid that you deleted back in October of last year that did those quests and earned the Fangs of Ashamane, Claws of Ursoc, G’Hani, the Mother Tree and Scythe of Elune.
You’d need to undelete that character (maybe re-enable XP gain), if you want to unlock additional appearances. Though you could also unlock those weapons on your current Druid instead.
Ok thanks for the help mate I thought I faction changed that Druid to this current Druid, and I only had the one Druid. I need to stop day drinking I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what happened to those artifact weapons
Hi! im having this problem now. My druid did the 1st artifact weapon which is the scythe of Elune and from what i remember i think i delete the seed thing from my backpack and deleted the artifact weapon. now there isnt a mission for the next artifact weapon. can anyone help? desperate player here
It looks like your druid never completed the quest chain associated with the artifact. If you check your world map, you should see a marker for the quest -