Arthas' time has passed

THe part of Uther that was in Frostmourne was that part of him we had to go into Torghast to retrieve during 9.1 same with the part of Sylvanas the Jailer tossed back at her.

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Medivh did that.

Not sure what your angle other than you are a Sylvannas fan.

I think you attempt to compare their résumés though is fruitless. They were both evil.


The problem is once they went with “Sylvannus was under the influence of the jailer” it wasn’t her fault Schtick. Everyone can see why that was obviously the case for Arthas too.

Moreover the culling of Stratholme was the right thing to do. Uther didn’t know nearly as much about the scourge as Arthas did. He was nearly ignorant of fact. Arthas saved those people from being cursed to undeath. Syvannus would never do anything good for the sake of good, she has always been a self serving narcissist.

The difference is, Danuser wants to save his “strong female character” and Nu-Blizz wants to erase the attachment to lore that the old guard wrote. Cairne shamelessly killed off, thrall went into “retirement”, Arthas deleted, Vol’jin killed off, Illidan story is done, Malfurion gone etc etc.

It’s clearly observed that all the male characters from WC3 are gone for one reason or another. Even early WoW characters are gone now (Garrosh etc)
The only prominent WC3 characters allowed to stay are female, and their new lore is hardly compelling. The new lore is arguably ruining their character.

Classic New writers vs Old rivalry. Not to mention the company itself is transforming, literally.


Lol the impotent panic about feminism will never stop being funny.

There’s plenty of prominent male characters. Get a life.

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Not from WC3 and barely any form early WoW.
The new writing team wanted their own characters and only bothered to keep female legacy characters, it’s just a fact.

One might wonder why they needed Baine if all he does is sit on his butt all expansion. Might as well have kept Cairne and allowed him to do the same.



From WCII:

Literally too many for me to bother naming, but to just go with the ones featured in this expansion and ones being featured in the next:


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i’m alright with it, she’s going to stay down there until every single night elf gets a proper afterlife. and it looks like we may be getting a new world tree, and i suspect (read: hope) it will look way cooler than teldrassil anyway

couldn’t care less about arthas personally, never understood why so many people had such an obsession with him. i’m just glad his end was permanent so we never have to hear the MaYbE TheYlL BrINg Him BacK for ten more years


If you think Baine is a fleshed out character in WC3 I don’t know what to tell you.

As previously, Thrall does essentially nothing but the occasional cameo. Same with Khadgar.

Moreover you are grasping at straws and turning the argument into something it was not. The argument is OP is wrong. Arthas deserved redemption even if it stayed in Shadowlands. Meanwhile Sylvannus is being kept as Danuser’s little pet.

Baine is not a WC3 character
Kael’thas - cameo
Khadgar - Cameo


You’ve made no argument worth taking seriously

No, he didn’t. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew his story was best left alone.

You have nothing to support this but conspiracy theories. She’s stuck in the Maw and will stay there until further notice.

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I have always been annoyed by this. This happened with Kerrigan and it happened to Sylvanas.


if kaelthas and illidan and syl get a chance to fix their wrongs or a chance to be good, then so does arthas.


No, he doesn’t.

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why? cause he was the lich king? cause all the bad stuff he did? Heck even him being thrown into the maw without a 2nd chance was part of the jailers plan and uthur regrets doing it. He got like 2 secs of a reprieve with death before becoming the jailers play thing again.
Arthas out of all of them had the best reason to be redeemed, since 90% of the time he was not even in control.


Because his story was great, because it was complete.

There was zero reason to continue it. No value would be added.


“Conspiracy theory” in regards to video game lore. Lol!
Yet my posts are so much better than yours.

Let’s be honest. WoW not only has a new writing team. It has a new generation of players who don’t even know what the game once was, like this joker attempting to argue with me. Perhaps Da’snoozer succeeded in created Sulvannus fans.

Btw she will be back in the next expansion after Dragonflight. That’s obvious.


It’s actually adorable how wrong you are lol

Check my achievements if you’re curious.

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I am not saying your wrong here, cause yeah his story was complete. But then they gave him the worst ending with shadowlands. If they did not do that then i would put it to bed, but the way they did him dirty right at the end, it was not deserved.


They gave him a non-ending in SL. It was just a confirmation of his ending in WotLK. He was dead then and now? Still dead.

They couldn’t have us go to the land of the dead and just pretend Arthas didn’t exist. They had to address him somehow, and this was the best way they could do it without actually mucking around in his story.


“It was complete”
Yes the ending where Sylvannus gets her ultimate revenge is just a perfect ending! Just what everyone wanted!

What was the point of going to the afterlife if we weren’t going to see what happened to former characters. Arthas being one of the ones people most curious about?


Could of had arthas do a quick garrosh moment, that would be 100x better.