Arthas' time has passed

I love this, Lilithia. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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And there were better ways to do that than turning one of the greatest villains in video game history into a fart in the wind, imo.


The difference is that Arthas had good intentions and his desperation led him astray. His end in Wrath was good because it was earned.

Sylvanas was evil the whole time and only ever out for herself despite having multiple outs. Her “end” in SL is bad because the mercy she was shown was unearned.


That’s what happens to souls when they are consumed in the maw. They break down into nothing more than anima. Why would it be any different for Arthas?

The contrast between the towering, unbeatable monster he once was and this pathetic puff of the barest kind of existence is the entire point. Why would he get a moment of glory when his only purpose in that cinematic was for one of his most traumatised and violated victims to receive closure? How small and insignificant he is in that moment is a not at all subtle representation of what he now is in Sylvanas’s mind.


Something that shouldn’t have happened. Something that didn’t need to be shown. The mystery of his soul and his fate should have remained a mystery.

You don’t extinguish out of all existence for everyone to see one of the greatest video game villains.

I never said he should.



Arthas vanished without having a conscience like a baby that was born at a bad time and born for die (for not getting to inappropriate examples and better to mention things more that could be close to appropriate to be something a little serious) or a plant uprooted with some pain as he was known as a villain, he never knew if he will be forgotten or not, which is what is known as Warcraft is first known like a Darth Vader in Star Wars.

Sylvanas has a conscience and the damned Marie Sue is alive, she will know that together with Pelagos and Zooval, as in BfA, it will be the worst moment of the franchise that she will know will be forgotten and hated by the rest of the videogame story.


It was hardly a mystery. It was pretty obvious what had happened to him. We saw Uther drop him in the maw, and we saw the Jailer select that special soul to use in the mourneblade.

Do you have any actual thoughts about it? Or just this dismissive nothing? You don’t have to like Sylvanas as a character or where they went with her story. But if you somehow think she wasn’t a victim then you have really not paid attention to the story.


On the bright side, at least she chose the civilization that nobody else likes.

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This. It was also annoying as hell that Calia was hanging around Oribos and had little to nothing to do with the actual storyline. Would be nice for Blizzard to stop tiptoeing around and address if she’s taking over the Forsaken

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I would need to check over all of them again to be sure but We did see Uther plenty this expac, and Ursol was dead dead before the expansion hit.

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There have been many victims. This isn’t an excise to ruin storyline.


You mean the Straotholme that was infested with undead and could have swept over all of Lordearon?

Sylvanas was going to murder her sister and her nephews had Vereesa decided to join her in Undercity.

Lets see, she had commited genocide on the Gilneans and had she luck out and gotten the Sythe of Elune was going to turn all of humanity into worgens. Had she won the Fourth War was going to sacrifice all of Stormwind’s souls to the Jailer.

Lastly, considering she knew what was happen that all souls were going to super hell, if anything she is arguable WORSE then Arthas.


I don’t think Arthas deserved redemption, but neither did Sylvannas. Both got “mind controlled” by the Jailer with his domination mumbo jumbo, so neither were in their right mental faculties, but that’s just bad writing for the most part.

I think the outrage for the Anduin cinematic is how they did Arthas dirty. He didn’t have a single line outside of the generic Lich King minion stuff during the actual fight and then just vanished as 35 anima after, which is just blatant disrespect to such an iconic character and (arguably) fan-favorite villain.

The way they handled The Lich King from the Bolvar vs Sylvannas open cinematic to the bitter end of the expansion was nothing short of a flaming garbage mess. Ending the story isn’t the problem, but HOW they ended it definitely is.


I know this a Arthas thread

Garrosh is still the single greatest Warchief the Horde has ever and will have ever seen.

The character was killed twice because he was too good at it, and the “I regrat nothing” bit only made him more of the hero the Red Horde loved.


When Sylvanas comes back she needs to get the Baine treatment. Shut up and go sit in the corner for a few expansions and be shown as completely inept and incapable of doind anything except needing to be saved.

Why is it Blizzard hates Tauren and Night Elves?


i forgot about that cutscene
wish garrosh got more action this expansion.


If you argue Arthas and Sylvanas wasn’t in control of their actions, then why is it fine and even good Arthas got treated the way he did and Sylvanas got a redemption story?

Arthas 100% deserved it more than Sylvanas ever did. The acts he took while alive were done with good and noble intentions. Purging Stratholme? Necessary and Uther especially was wrong for abandoning him. We saw Arthas wasn’t happy or thrilled and got off on the killing. It wasn’t a task that brought him pleasure.

There is certainly an argument for him being wrong for burning the boats in Northrend and disobeying orders, but again, he did it because he thought the threat was too large to ignore and abandoning the task now meant what happened to Strat could happen again. Once again, good intentions and bad outcome.

Even once the LK, his soul still fought to keep the worst of the scourge at bay. By contrast, everything Sylvanas did was done out of evil and spite. Her sole focus was revenge against Arthas (understandable) but she treated the living, which includes the Horde, as future enemies to be killed. Her super plague? Yeah that was some evil crap cooked up to make everyone else suffer and die with the logic being if we have to be undead and forsaken, then everyone has to be.

Arthas subdued Muradin wanting to protect him and keep him safe from what was about to happen. Sylvanas willingly put even those closest to her in danger and betrays them to suit her own needs.

Sylvanas didn’t burn the world tree in some noble action to protect the Horde. She did it plainly to hurt her foe. She did it out of hate and malice to break them. By contrast, when we invaded Org, we took special care NOT to kill civilians. You can’t even argue her actions was even an eye for an eye on that front.

The difference between Arthas and Sylvanas is that he was noble up to and even after the end whereas she was just an incompetent moron who largely was responsible for her own death and then used that event to become a hateful and spiteful being wanting to hurt everyone else even when they had nothing to do with it.

Sylvanas deserved to die in the raid and get the gut wrenching realization/clarity as she drew her final breaths that she has been wrong all this time
that her whole schtick about not serving was a lie and she was every bit the pathetic pawn and puppet and nobody was going to mourn or respect her.

To be clear, I’m fine too with Arthas not being saved/redeemed because I don’t like happy endings for all and him having so much bad happen to him is fitting in a way
not because he deserved it, but because that is just how life is for folks
sometimes life just really puts the screws to you and then kicks you when you’re down and then pis
takes a leak on your corpse and sh
craps on your ashes.


Not with the release of Classic Wrath it isn’t!


Rando: Up in arms over the whisp fading away.

Me: :zzz: