Arthas' time has passed

Agree. Why didn’t Arthas do something cool and then get deleted…epically?
Because the writers are disconnected with the uhhh “payers”

It’s so easy to please gamers, and yet they refuse.


Nah, hard disagree. Garrosh’s moment was great but he was a complete character from beginning to end. If they had a moment with Arthas who would we get? The dutiful paladin? The vengeful prince? The Lich King? Whatever the answer, someone would be unhappy with it.

Leaving him alone entirely was the right call.


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idk, but it just doesn’t sit right that he got used and abused and now is nothing.


implying people didn’t like seeing the helm of domination come off and Arthas talk to his father as himself.
Yeah people hated that moment! How could Arthas be himself again?

You are arguing for the sake of it, and it’s asinine. Most people disagree with you.


:man_shrugging:t4: his story was supposed to be tragic. It was a classic tale of corruption via good intentions and hubris. Not all stories have happy endings.

Lol k

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I think this show needs a whole new cast. But keep sylvanas… just cause she’s pretty :slight_smile:


Again avoiding the meat of the post to attack the “weak” part.

Classic. As if this tactic isn’t used constantly by people arguing from a losing position.


Neither were controlled by the Jailer.

Arthas buried him, which is why the Jailer called him a failure. And Sylvanas herself said she wasn’t controlled, it was of her own choice.


You started off with whining about the poor patriarchy so it’s hard to pick just one weak part lol

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They easily could have left Arthas out of SL entirely.
Becoming the Lich King literally destroyed his soul. Dude didn’t even have a heart in his chest anymore.
He had one last glimmer of regret before being entirely dead and gone. His soul was already obliterated, a mere echo of his former self.
The true Arthas Menethil was long gone by the time we put him down in ICC. All the lore in the game pointed to this being the case.
His soul would have maybe been worth 5 anima best case scenario with how little was left.
Also having Ner’zhul be a raid boss, even if it’s just a remant, was a bit of a middle finger to the lore as well. The whole Arthas/Lich King arc was him fighting Ner’zhul for control before completely obliterating any remnant of him from the Helm of Domination and assuming full control.

*edit - Although the whole multiverse but on SL thing completely breaks any and all lore and we could have had a good and noble version of Arthas in the SL that never became corrupted in an alternate reality.

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“Poor patriarchy”
“Conspiracy theory”
Alright. Everyone knows exactly who you are now. Just couldn’t help yourself, eh?
Imagine only being able to think via these terms….in a video game lore thread.


You did it first?


The ones you started with by claiming all the male characters were gone?

You’re a whole clown guy lol


we did find out. he was dead, and he is still dead. we found out he was a pawn of a bigger pawn, he didn’t need any role bigger than that

and also why do people keep bringing up illidan in response to both arthas and sylvanas? what the hell did illidan do to compare to either of those guys? he didn’t genocide anyone except a bunch of demons. he was barely even considered a villain, all he really did was fight the burning legion. and i guess he spilled some magic water at hyjal one time


Also Illidan needed redemption from Blizzard for mindlessly villain-batting him in BC

same goes for Kael and Vashj, to a lesser degree.

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yeah, such a weird decision. i can’t find fault with literally anything he did, he was never “evil” at any point. no use comparing his “redemption” story with anyone else’s since it barely even qualifies as a redemption. poor guy was just kicked around for no reason

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He did some kinda un-kosher things in TFT, though the argument could be made that he was driven to it by his people being rather uncooperative after he grew horns and wings.

Regardless, you are definitely right that he shouldn’t be put in the same “genocider” category.

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I don’t know why you’re assuming that the same people are saying both of these things. :man_shrugging:

Besaides, people weren’t saying that he should have gotten a redemption, they were saying that his story was just terrible. That he was a prop, and was wasted and thrown away. I agree…

Because it was wasted. The writing was bad. To be clear, they did the same thing with Sylvanas, so why is it OK when they do it to Arthas?


sylvanas is still worse, considering she did everything willingly.

arthas did most of that with guilt and sadness, the high elves he didn’t care for…

i mean, lookin at the high elf threads, can you blame em?


just here to defend arthas in stratholme. also believe things would have went different if uther and jaina made even a attempt to understand what he was doing and his thoughts. they should have never done anything with arthas in shadowlands other than a flashback for uther. they also did him dirty by letting sylvannas talk crap at the end rather than letting uther or jaina say anything to him at all. he didnt deserve a redemption because the writing team doesnt have the skills to do it which is the same reason sylvannas doesnt deserve 1 either. they wrote he so awfully recently that people went from liking her back in the day to just wanting her to die and be done with it already.