Arthas' time has passed

Because Arthas’ storyline was like the first 3 seasons of GoT and Sylvanas’ storyline was like the last 3 seasons?


Yes. I admit it. I teased him when I stood next to him with my Lightbringer title and took a screenshot. You are not the only Lightbringer around here Uther :nerd_face: :popcorn:

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There is a difference between “ending the way you want it to” and “having a satisfying conclusion”, and a good story can be wholely ruined by not having a satisfying conclusion. See: the “entire first chapter of Warcraft concluded by Shadowlands”


There was no choice at Stratholme. Arthas was doing what was, pragmatically, the best thing for his Kingdom in spite of how horrifying and awful it was.

Arthas and his forces were nearly wiped out defending Hearthglen. It was only because of Arthas had sent Jaina to call for Uther and the Knights of the Silverhand that they were able to stop the Scourge advance. At this point in time, Lordaeron was losing ground rapidly.

Stratholme was the largest city in all of Lordaeron save the Capital. The infected grain had already reached, and infected the people within. It would only be a matter of time before these unsuspecting townsfolk would become Undead, and become legions upon legions of Undead for Mal’ganis to command. If Arthas didn’t burn the city here and now, this his Kingdom and all of the other innocent lives of Lordaeron were forfeit. There was nothing else that could have been done.

And Arthas believes that Mal’ganis is the cause of all of this, so he follows his challenge to Northrend in order to stop him by any means necessary in order to save his people, entirely consumed with vengeance. And he succeeded, but loses his soul to Frostmourne.

The difference between Arthas and Sylvanas is that Arthas had noble intentions while he was alive, and his will was not entirely his own when he became undead.

Sylvanas on the other hand, has free will and chose to dedicate her undeath to destroying Arthas out of spite and allowed innocent, defenseless people to be tortured and killed by her Forsaken cronies in the very same manner her own people were indiscriminately slaughtered. (Helpless and innocent women, children trapped in cages of the Royal Aprotecary Society come to mind along with the whole section with a pack of Forsaken being instructed in combat by summoning helpless victims to be brutalized and killed)

She killed herself once Arthas laid defeated, cast herself from Icecrown, and upon seeing what awaited her and fearing death, used the powers of the Val’kyr to bring even more people back from the dead to live the nightmare that the more noble of the Forsaken had dedicated themselves to ending.


Arthas was correct to burn down Stratholme. Did you see how quick the citizens turned after he arrived? They were doomed. No way to save them. Stop saying this was bad. He did what was necessary, before the plague left the city and went to the rest of Azeroth. Azeroth would be full of scourge today if he had not killed them.

The rest of Arthas’s actions afterwards were the blame of Nar’zul and his influence powered by rage inside him. He was used.


the good ending


I can understand where you’re coming from and I do too agree. However, Sylvanas caused genocide as well let’s not forget that.


I dont like you. At all. They did Arthas dirty and you just tried to justify it. Nope. I dont like you. Wait. Youre a blood elf?

… okay i still like you but youre on thin ice buddy!

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Exactly. Let it end already. How about someone new and interesting?

You keep snorting those lines of nostalgia but it won’t do anything. You’ll just be chasing that high forever.


Perhaps you don’t understand one aspect of the Arthas story. This villain was not only a major plot point within the game, but a very popular one in what some say was the best xpac. It was highly disrespectful to those who wrote the original story to end his story by turning him into 35 anima. Not to mention it was very lazy and poor writing.

Not everyone was infected. One of the bosses in the Stratholme dungeon has a description that explains that his only crime was being in the city. And during the Culling instance, he and his troops were killing uninfected people trying to escape. How is that fair to them?

That’s like saying the person driving while intoxicated isn’t to blame for the deaths he caused by his car crash. Not his fault, it was the influence of drink.

It’s an excuse no different than “I was just following orders.”

But giving him another chance isn’t? Lets give Lordaeron, Quel’thalas, and Dalaran the finger by redeeming the man who destroyed them. Let’s continue Arthas’ story for no reason other than nostalgia’s sake.

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LOL!!! So funny.

The joys of being undead and lacking sympathy

I never said to redeem him. I don’t believe in redeeming any of them. I said to stop being lazy and write a good ending to his story. Which might have been us fighting him one additional time.

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It was stated clearly before Frostmourne always corrupted the user, even player DKs could not pick up too many shards of it for their artifact weapon…hence his behavior. He was being manipulated by the blade whole. And there was no way to tell who was corrupted and not corrupted. Go run stratholme, there’s sooooo many zombies in there, and lets say of the people escaping…what if 1 or 2 was a zombie and were let free? Oh yeah they’d infect the rest of azeroth. Arthas single-handedly stopped a zombie apocalypse and people don’t realize it.

And FYI…IRL if people suddely were infected to be a zombie but didn’t have a "time’until they turned, lets say New York City…the government would not hesitate to lock everyone in the city and eventually kill them because they do not know who’s infected and who isn’t. If you were in a position to react to a zombie apocalypse…and you thought letting people out who “aren’t infected” was ok…trust me, you’d single-handedly doom the entire world and let infected people out due to your actions. Think about that.


People aren’t upset that Arthas doesn’t get a redemption. They’re upset that Sylvanas of all people present is the one that gets to have a monologue about Arthas.

Not Jaina. Not Uther. Literally Sylvanas.


I’d say she didn’t even need to be redeemed. She was right in the sense that the machination of death was flawed and that we’re all subjected to a cruel fate not of our making, but what annoyed me was how she went from someone who could outsmart Dreadlords to someone who was blindly manipulated by the Jailer because he told her half-truths about how the afterlife worked.

Her storyline from WC3 was all about maintaining her own sense of independence, while being completely at peace with manipulating and using others to achieve her goals. She made allies out of convenience, and then turned against them when it ceased to serve her. The fact that she had not thought through her decisions, or tried to figure out the Jailer’s true motivations to then flip the script and attempt to take control is how they truly butchered her character.

They had everything in place to make her a true anti-hero. She was already a contentious topic in the fanbase coming from BfA, and they could say that even though her methods caused so much carnage, she ultimately helped in creating a ‘fair’ afterlife where people got to be with their loved ones.

And once that is achieved, have her come to terms with the consequences of her actions. When she is finally at the finish line, have her turn back to look at all the lifeless bodies that she stepped on for that single purpose and to come to the realization that in her pursuit of her own freedom, she destroyed so many others. And from that knowing, it would be so much more meaningful for her to come to her own realization that she has to make amends and rebuild her sense of humanity knowing that she will never truly be forgiven even if what she did ultimately resulted in the good for all. This invokes a true sense of tragedy in her storyline.

Instead, what they did to her was a disrespect to the core of her character. She was always about maintaining her sense of self in the face of subjugation, but Danuser decided that she was never fully herself from the get go.


Cause if they went that far for Sylvanas they can do it for Arthas.


Cause most of what you said about Arthas was after he was corrupted. Strath was (and im going to get yelled at for this comment) probably for the best. I agree with others saying it was the right call and def a hard one to make. The developer says “no and to just run away” but at what point do we stop running and actually go on the offense and actually stop the spread. The town was infected, we don’t know who was infected and who wasn’t. There is no cure for the plague so death was the only option left.


I don’t think he deserves redemption, but one of the greatest villains in video games shouldn’t have been monologued to by someone almost as bad, then turned into a fart in the wind.


Yep, absolutely this. It wasn’t even really about him in that cinematic. It was about Sylvanas. About her letting go of her rage towards him, accepting the way that rage turned her into the same kind of monster, and moving past him.

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