Arthas' time has passed

I can see why you night elves would feel that way. From the blood elf point of view the guy trashed our homeland and ruined the Sunwell. Can you see how that would make us upset?

And yeah we burned down your silly tree but really, who lives in a tree anyway? And it’s not like your gone forever, we are rescuing you from the Maw and sending you to Ardenweald to be regenerated. Just give us some time.


ya I don’t RP on the forums, Arthas was shafted


reminder she burned down the tree and i guess nelfs are expected to be happy with her punishment, i guess

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They also did Kel’Thuzad dirty as well. :angry:


Was it really genocide? We’re talking about nelfs, it’s not like they are actual people. I mean they’re barely more than sentient plants, am I right?

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Really bro?


Because Sylvanas was (and is actively being) ruined by terrible writing. The writing was still good when Arthas was defeated.


Coming from the walking bone meal.

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I think a lot of people would’ve preferred him to go out in a more badass way like Garrosh did without any kind of redemption, or even just be ignored with WotLK being his exit.

But that said, the biggest problem wasn’t really with his ending but instead with how the fact that it was Arthas’ soul that was being used to dominate Anduin never factored in or changed anything. The Jailor could’ve used the soul of that orc peon that was responsible for cleaning Grom Hellscream’s hut to do the job and the only difference would’ve been the conversation in the Anduin cinematic. It’s just a bad way to utilize an iconic character.


In your opinion. One problem was that the people who love to hate the video games that they are playing and the CCs that feed them raw meat were hammering Shadowlands and generating horrible publicity.

Advertising works and that includes negative advertising. You guys convinced Blizzard to cut their losses and move on and now you are going to complain about bad writting?


That’s so dumb. lol Though my big take away, not the ending, but hearing the shadowlands dialogue on wcIII skins, made me think how the story isn’t any better, or worse, like a lot of people claim.

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They did my boy Arthas dirty.


that’s what they concluded, they closed the book, Arthas it’s gone more than it existed, they want the whispers to stop hearing his name in a disappointing way and a reason why Sylvanas, Zooval and Pelagos ruined the entire game in just one expansion.

Perhaps he will not understand the narrative ones, and the new devs that he will never die and probably what is left in Bob’s Farts, 5 anima, puchamon, wisp, navi Arthas in the ending will not be enough to know that that little essence would be a reason to return him see, in whatever and we don’t know how it will be if crazypurge fallen prince appears again.

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Hush, plants don’t talk.

Just drink your water.

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You are literally plant food

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I try not to but it just happens.

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I wouldn’t say it was for nothing. We did go to the shadowlands and fixed the system so families can be together in the same place, or maybe more around to different zones?

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Is that a vegan joke?

How do you tell if someone is a vegan?

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It could be

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They’ll tell you.

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