Arthas' Redemption: The Death of Sylvanas

Get. Help.


I don’t see what for. But thank you for the suggestion.

I don’t really see how Arthas is “redeemed” by killing Sylvanas.

Like, Sylvanas is pretty terrible right now, but Arthas was still worse. You don’t get forgiven for being a monster by killing a lesser monster.
It has to at least be something worse than you were.

Arthas would have had to defeat Sargeras, or an Old God or something. You know, like Illidan and Wrathion did. Who are now both cool again even though they did some heinous ****.


Having Arthas drag Sylvanas to a terrible afterlife would not be the worst punishment. Having her placed alongside Arthas to suffer the same fate would be the worst punishment. For all the vengeance she sought and arguably deserved against Arthas, she became exactly what he was, and now has to suffer with no one who can relate but the one she hated most.

This. They should be stuck killing eachother in hell forever. They deserve eachother.

Only someone with a seriously inflated sense of self-importance would think that ANYTHING we post in this forum matters.


Typically, redemption come from undo wrongs. In other words. Arthas redeems himself by redeeming Sylvanas. But then there would be such a hue and cry we would drown in the tears and the game would have to be scrapped.

Is it bad if I want to see this happen just so I can watch the story forum burn down faster than Teldrassil did?


Sylvanas kissing Arthas after they both overthrow the Jailer like at the end Star Wars Rise of Skywalker


This is from the first paragraph of Edge of Night:

But with horrific clarity, the memory always ends the same: Sylvanas’s spirit is wrenched away. The pain is so intense it leaves her soul forever torn.

He would…if what he did to Sylvanas wasn’t one of, like, 50 different wrongs he committed. NONE of which he has undone.

Absolutely not.

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OMG I can hear the soundtrack for that in my head right now.

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Yeah she is way worse than he was.

Then Sylvanas dies.

Arthas goes back to Lordaeron, and gets stopped by a random passerby.

“Who are you?”


“Arthas who?”

Looks in the distance and sees Sylvanas’ ghost

“Arthas Windrunner.”


I hate you all.


Arthas is fully responsible for the choices that he made. He wasn’t wielding Frostmourne when he sacked Stratholme. He wasn’t wearing Frostmourne when he ignored the advice of his trainers and killed his beloved steed, Invincible. He had monomanical tendencies that his trainers blithely either ignored or assumed that he’d grow out of. Arthas never takes responsibility for his own actions and flat out refuses to listen to anyone that doesn’t dominate him the way Ner’zhul did.

Ner’zhul chose Arthas because he was corruptible.

With your logic, Charles Manson would deserve redemption if he killed Squeaky.


Sylvanas’ redemption: The torture of Arthas

Sylvanas should be redeemed by torturing Arthas for eternity.


To you maybe.

Overall? Not even close.


Now THAT is a proper Troll.

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