Arthas' Redemption: The Death of Sylvanas

Arguably one of Warcraft’s most infamous and compelling characters is the orginal Lich King, Arthas! We were given his story in Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne, as well as during Wrath of the Lich King and later were given even more details about him in the book based on him. I think most people would agree that his story is finished.

But I think it’d be great if we could see him again in Shadowlands! I mean, wouldn’t it be incredibly weird and a missed opportunity if we did not see him in some capacity? In fact, I think it’d be the perfect opportunity to even offer him a chance at redemption! Maybe he could even be the key figure to aiding us in bringing down Sylvanas for good.

So obviously, Sylvanas really hates Arthas because he turned her into a banshee and stuff. And she vowed to get her revenge against him. But after he was killed, she ended up being just as bad if not even worse than he ever was! I think it would be a perfect ending to her story too, and a great way for Arthas to help set things right for himself.

Anyways even if something like this doesn’t happen I would still love to see Arthas in some way. I hope they do something with him! It may be the last time we ever see him!

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Arthas was an absolute monster of a person and doesn’t deserve redemption. Sylvanas being just as bad as him doesn’t change that.

That being said I wouldn’t be opposed to Sylvanas’s death cinematic being him dragging her into the Maw, so she’s forced to spend eternity not only in the place she’s been trying to avoid but also with the person she hates most. Not a redemption, but a “We’ll go to Hell together.”




Ya! Something like that would be really cool I think and a fitting end to her arc.

I see this is your first post. So there are two possibilities here…

  1. Either you are completely new to the Story Forum and you genuinely don’t realize that this has been discussed before


  1. You know that this has been discussed before and are trying to stir up trouble.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re here in good faith. In which case, I don’t think you’ve thought through the implications of what you’re proposing.


Having Sylvanas get killed by her abuser again isn’t really an ending I’d be comfortable with. It has a whole bunch of pretty gross undertones.


Pellex said it best. If you’re genuine, well, you just unintentionally are throwing matches in to a hay barn. If you’re a regular looking for a trigger, well, this one is about as subtle as… as…

Going with a polar bear in a room full of black lights.

The polar bear is also on fire.

On topic. Arthas bad. Sylvanas bad. No more "WE ARE FREE"s.

Apart from that, much more so than Illidan, his story had an arc with a full conclusion. He’s remembered fondly as a villain for the whole of his story. Dragging it out again cheapens the thing.

Memories/visions from other NPCS? From Sylvanas, or Uther, or Jaina? That’s well and good, because it is about that character. But Arthas can stay in the oblivion he earned.


(Commentary): We’ve already heard from the Devs that while Arthas will be in the Shadowlands, he’s not going to be a key figure. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s an NPC in the Maw with some flavor text at this point. Redemption for Arthas is a fairly impossible thing at this point. That said, I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to try. If Arthas does earn some form of redemption, I would imagine it would be more of a result of a great sacrifice than just because he killed Sylvanas. The only thing I could possibly see for him is becoming the new Jailer, assuming, “There must always be a Jailer,” is a line that gets dropped on us.


No I dont think that this is something that should happen. Would just throw another huge monkey wrench in the lore.


(Commentary): I’ll be honest, at this point, I expect someone to become the new Jailer. Our nominees are Sylvanas, Arthas, Bolvar, and maybe they’ll throw Tyrande in as a surprise last moment sucker punch to Night Elves.

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Meh, I could see anything happening, our savior Anduin may just do away with the maw all together.

Having Sylvanas be killed by or dragged down to "hell by Arthas of all people, is about the most disgusting thing blizzard could ever do in this game honestly.

It really sends a message of not ever being able to truly escape your abuser, and idk about you all but I play games to escape reality not re-live harsh trauma through other characters.

I understand many of you HATE Sylvanas with all your heart but, jfc there are so many different ways too see justice done if that’s what you want.


Sylvanas should be killed by Tyrande and then have Arthas drag her down to hell with him so that she can enjoy being tormented for all eternity.
Kind of like how Dwarf in the Flask was dragged into hell at the end of FMA.
I miss that show. That scene was chilling.
Probably the most satisfying way for the bad guy to go.

As for Arthas redemption.
Why is it that orcs under the influence of demon blood deserve to be redeemed but Arthas influence by a cursed sword and the Lich king do not deserve this redemption?


Look Pheandra, my girl I love you too death but, what part of “This sends a horrible message about how you never truly escape your abuser” dontcha get?

I would HIGHLY prefer that Arthas is no where near Sylvanas whatsoever should she die and have to spend time in hell or anything.

It’s essentially making the Victim be forced to relive the crap that happened by the abuser if you have Arthas drag her down to hell.


Arthas was bad before the sword, if we give redemption to him then we would need to give it to many of WoW’s villains, Sylvanas included. Don’t let current bias make you lose sight of objectivity when it comes to WoW’s villains.

Sylvanas did a lot of terrible things, yes, but she was a hero in life and certainly managed to do some good in the world in death, that’s just fact. Moreover, her turning evil is certainly one of the more justifiable actions, even if I disagree with the character direction. Sylvanas suffered more direct torture than almost any other WoW character in the lore, yet still managed to do some good afterwards, and help to cripple the Scourge. She does not deserve to see the man who killed her, slaughtered her people, violated her soul, and enslaved her slowly pulling her into the Maw for all eternity. That’s just sadistic and a poor story beat.

Arthas was never a hero, he failed literally every heroic test he had, long before he went after Frostmourne. He was prideful and full of himself in a way that wasn’t backed up by actual accomplishments, and though he did start out as a typical handsome prince character, in his narrative it quickly becomes clear that this was the result of not really ever having anything challenge him in his life. Arthas quite frankly does not deserve redemption, he also doesn’t deserve to be the one to punish Sylvanas, he’s the reason she became what she is.

The only Arthas cameo I hope to see is him in the Maw, powerless.


But I don’t care about the message.

I want horrific vengeance the more brutal the better.
Thats why I referenced that scene in Full Metal Alchemist where the bad guy gets to pay his dues. I loved the scene when he is dragged into his own literal hell.

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(Commentary): In all honesty, I don’t think this is an entirely valid comparison. For one thing, Sylvanas never really acted like an abuse victim. She was NEVER afraid of Arthas, nor was she ever dependent upon him. The moment she was free of the Lich King’s control (remember, Ner’zhul was the Lich King when she was raised, not Arthas), she immediately went after him for vengeance.


There are so many options of characters that should kill Sylvanas - With Tyrande and Genn as the top candidates - why should it be Arthas?

It doesn’t matter though because we know that Sylvanas will be redeemed - so nobody will get the kill on her.

See, the thing is, we kinda/sorta did redeem Arthas. The part of Arthas that could be redeemed, that is. It was by helping “Matthias Lehner” during Icecrown questing to ultimately give Tirion the resolve to realize that killing the Lich King was the only way to end his evil.

The whole point of that questline was to establish that while there was once some lingering good in Arthas, when becoming the Lich King he’d cast it out so thoroughly that it wasn’t even a part of him any more, and so there was nothing left worth saving or redeeming in the soul of the thing we killed atop Icecrown Citadel. He’d literally and deliberately ripped out what was redeemable and thrown it away, to such a degree that it outright became its own distinct entity for a time, until Tirion destroyed the heart, and “Matthias” along with it.


Dont bring Arthas back. He had his story and its time to move on. Dont screw it up.