ARR, Mateys! The Plunderstorm Makes Landfall Once More!

ARR, Mateys! The Plunderstorm Makes Landfall Once More!

A new storm is surging beginning January 14, and players can dive back into the fray of the Plunderstorm once more. Spend your well-earned plunder in the new Plunderstore for great new rewards, test your mettle with new spells at your fingertips, explore new points of interest on the map, and more!

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Exit the game and launch again.



Is there a reason we can’t enable edit mode, or use things like CTRL V to disable nameplates?

It’s very annoying.


Yeah looks like there’s a client update. Thanks for the tip.

Was there a Plunderstore last time?

nope last time was a battlepass like thing.

its not we get coins and buy stuff now

Please add back TRIOS!


Loving the improvements made! Happy to see Plunderstorm back and the Plunderstore is sick :smiley:


Not being able to leave duos when you’re dead without forfeiting rewards is stupid. Especially if you’re unrevivable, it’s just a waste of time.

What improvements?. It is still the same unbalance event that was before with some spells being super OP and others trash. They didnt change anything about this from first Punderstorm to this one.


Like how you can queue in from being logged into WoW so you can easily play your “real” characters in a way, and easily go from dungeons to Plunderstorm. But it’s the same awful game that I will grind for rewards then never touch again lol

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Try actually playing it. There’s a lot of changes made. The article outlines them and then some of them are thrown in your face, such as choosing your spawn location.

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Yeah this is a huge IMO. Much, much easier to get in and get out.

No thanks. My experience last time devolved into collecting coins for the first few minutes then running into the storm

That wasn’t fun or engaging gameplay


Yeah some interface changes only. Nothing regarding the unbalance of it.

Celestial Barrage is insane. Gotta tune that one down a bit.

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It’s a fun game mode. Not everything needs to be a well-balanced sweat machine.

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Not having to grind for levels to unlock rewards is WONDERFUL.

Yes, it’ll probably take a few days to get all the plunder needed to buy the mogs and mounts I want, but just running around for that needed plunder makes this a ton better then the first version.


I’m pretty bummed I’ve already got almost all of the new rewards already.

Made it way too quick and easy this time around. Still super fun ganking people though!