ARR, Mateys! The Plunderstorm Makes Landfall Once More!

I’m pretty bummed I’ve already got almost all of the new rewards already.

Made it way too quick and easy this time around. Still super fun ganking people though!

Whoever came up with the heading. That’s so cute.

As much crap as I may give the devs, I will admit that this has been a much better experience compared to the last run so far. I’m not above giving credit where it’s due. The Plunderstore makes this so much more tolerable.


Because you did the most unengaging thing. Engage with others, fight, even if its hilariously impossible to win. Do your best!


Huh. The new item pickup thing feels weird. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

So you guys ever gonna fix the Transdimensioinal bird whistle (Pepe) toy you broke with the first plunderstorm???

Where are the trio’s? My buddies and I were really looking forward to 3 stack.

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Omg why did playing plunderstorm adjust my char login screen order


It did the same with mine. I was more worried about all of my UI settings getting destroyed like last time, but I think even if that did happen (thankfully it did not) I’m actually more annoyed at the game for switching out my Warband characters. :sweat_smile:

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I did enough in 5 matches to get everything I want, now what?

Oh, and I did this in Anti-Plunderstorm mode, I killed no one, fought no one.

You’re done, go play retail

Is… Is this a complaint? I like that the rewards won’t be an arduous grind like before.


overall good improvements… its not saving the outfit anymore however.

If you already did the first plunderstorm this iteration is barely a grind, It would be the equivalent of doing 1-10 vs 1-40 like last time. I played for maybe an hour and got the eyepatch cloak and xmog set. Will do mounts pet and weapons this week and be done. It’s really not bad.

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So there aren’t 3s this time? That is disappointing, me and 2 friends were looking forward to it for that reason. Not gonna play it nearly as much if one is gonna have to sit out/solo queue. Thought maybe this was my chance to get them from finding something else to play, it’s been hard to get them to login lately. Oh well


I also miss 3’s.

I do appreciate two things about it this time:

  1. No more trader’s tender, if you already did it, you don’t have to grind again. Tying something so valuable like that to a PvP alternative game mode felt not great given how much you had to grind last time and even with the store it’s kind of ehhh not what I’m in favor of.

  2. No renown grind, just a store. This is a massive win.

Got most of the new rewards, can’t complain. I’m glad it’s back and will play for fun with my coffee each morning like I did last year.

Just launched the game after getting home, no option to join Plunderstorm? Halp.

Oh never mind, it’s in a dropdown menu “mode” above my characters and was hidden. Let the plundering begin!

Thought the shut down for plunderstorm was for this moring…

Turns out, I suck at Plunderstorm. :dracthyr_cry:
Sorry people I duo with, I do my best. :dracthyr_heart:

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