Just having a giggle at this thread. But in all seriousness.
Your highest overpower is 10k? My highest mortal strike over a 4.5 min painsmith fight was 34k (average of 20k), my highest overpower was 15k (average of 9k). You are losing a significant amount of damage by not being able to use mortal strike, thats damage gets buffed by overpower.
You talk about burning rage to reset overpower via tactician - you are completly negating the 30 rage cost of mortal strike (the cost of shield block) BUT mortal strike has a 6 sec cooldown where shield block has a 16 second cooldown - you are spending LESS RAGE on shield block than if you cast mortal strike.
If you want to use excess rage on ignore pain for additional chance at op resets - this is completly fine and usually reccomended to avoid rage capping - except when you dont generate enough rage to use ms on cooldown.
You say to spam rend because of rage cost/reset chance - you could be pressing ww that also costs 30 rage and does more damage than what rend does.
Now if you changed your rotation to include rend initially for the dot + the increased crit damage and then went into spending additional rage to fish for overpower resets - this is basically the rotation of arms - you want to use the biggest damaging ability that costs rage when you can. MS > WW (if aoe) > Slam.
Also i looked at your toon on warcraftlogs, just some info to maybe help you understand, you are currently ranked in the bottom 7% for all arms warrior damage that have completed your highest key (a +5 dos that you didnt complete in time, id assume purely because of your low damage) so clearly this whole shield slam buisnessnt isnt the game changer for arms dps that you think it is.
first of all im not at a high i lvl like 210 now second im faster than most 2h users in this way doing more damage faster. if i crit your 2 over powers thats 20 k you said you can hit 30k ms strikes right so if i reset 12 times in the amount of time it takes you to mortal strike 3 or 4 times ive already done more damage than you again how you set this up is key also this is pretty much more aoe heavy than singe target like i said would be sllight ly less and no its not a 70% loss unless your talking about using your stats noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its not about shield slam like at all you can make shield slam do a crit for about 10k but that’s not the point its about switching back and forth using a 1h and a 2h utilizing blade storm to switch while spinning and using this new technique while using a 1h to do aoe damage faster to more targets all the other buffs is essentially my build of what 1h arms could be you can have many different builds mine build is just burst in a 5 second window and idk if you know but slam cost 20 rage and whirlwind costs 35 and shield slam doesnt use any rage like at all read it and i do genberate enough rage actually more than a 2h woulkd my swing speeds are initially faster and without the need for alot of haste you can use arms other passive is when you crit with your auto attacks you get 30% more rage so i do generate enough ive been workjing on this build ever since they gave us the abilities back in bfa? idk exactly its been a long time also there is a stat allocation for this its crit mastery vers haste
with my right gear on i have 30 % crit no haste like 4 or 5% at least 10% vers AT LEAST and i have 22% mastery when i do my burst its within colossus smash window just so were clear on how this works any warriror right now can do a easy test of how it work using avatar and rend not even deep wounds just slam so you can see how much you crit for ill wait…
shield block also has 2 charges and i don think its 16 secs long and if you wanted some sort of shield slam build you will be happy to know shield slam cd gets smaller with haste its like 6 secs i think maybe 8 with no haste if you had a different build with haste and rend you can get shield slam down to where it has no cool down and you can just shield slam for free and if your in the right windows you can do damage with that to idk just a thought i havent tested it farther than that and my aoe damage no one can keep up with staright brusting for 13k for small mob packs and in m+ you can switch weapons not gear so again even people at 220 have a hard time keeping up to my 12k 13 dps a second burst at my current i lvl right now this at my “bracket” is very good damage…and i just got into a new guild and i was messing around with my new friends no one cares about a 5 when the 1h arms warrior is out here doing m+9 or 8 at my ilvl doing more damage than a geared blood dk at 235 and bear druids at 250 so i dont want to hear the reverse troll that im a troll bc im not doing damage bc thats bull i have to deal with people hating on 1h arms every day bc idk why such hate for trying something new and all i get hit is with this trust me this will be my last post if the world doesnt want 1h arms yet then so be it i tried to put it out there and literally only one person had anything remotely positive and not condescending to say so ill just keep it to myself and f me for trying
Someone took the time to actually go through a log and point out all of the reasons you’re completely wrong. And your response is nah, listen to my anecdotal bull some more. You’re not out damaging anyone, and you’re literally one of the lowest rated warriors on the planet. Enough already…
I mean it would be unreasonable to not lose DPS when pulling out a shield. But Xanshin is putting in work to make the game fun in retail. Shield warrior was one of the things I really enjoyed questing as. If there was a way to rock it it should be looked at.
However, this continued nonsense that 1h arms somehow competes as a dps spec should not be praised because a new player will come along and think this is viable. Now, if he wants to post an actual log and prove he can put out meaningful dps, I will apologize and move on. Until such time, I would affirm that no one should do this in any meaningful content, again
As a side note, while waiting outside SoD for our raid to start i was attacking the random elite mobs in the area - some pure ST and some cleave - i used my 1h and shield and tested some of this type of gameplay. I replaced MS with SS, followed the op > sb > op > sb > opx2, burnt excess rage with ignore pain. I also followed my own advice of charge > wb+avatar+opc > rend > op and using sweeping strikes to cleave rend/op while replacing slam with ww only suring cleave.
My findings. Yes overpower rests often.
Average ST damage using 1h+shield = 3.7k
Average ST damage using 2h = 7.8k
Average cleave damage using 1h+shield = 4.2k
Average cleave damage using 2h = 15.6k
I could do a more indepth test ingame and log it - but is it really needed lol?
Did it feel fun ? Not really, speccing prot and using a 1h+shield feels vastly more fun, gives you additional survivability, allows shield slam to reset, burn excess rage to reduce avatar and does damage much higher than arms 1h+shield. (my 248 prot warr usually average 5k ST and 20k burst aoe).
In regards to this comment - warcraftlogs compares you with other people in the same ilvl range - you are in the lowest 7% of all arms warriors with a same ilvl as you.
Look I miss gladiator stance as much as the next guy, but probably not as much as this dude. Simple way to fix this is for one of you PVE nerds need to take him into a raid/M+. Then you’ll have a log of it in real time.
look i read evrything and i agree you lose dps from not using a 1h but you would have more dmage to dump into aoe like op with dread naught i also said that i switch while bladestorming to my 2h and back and forth in mult target aoe it does some good damage to elites high burst like 10 k op or 8k ops back to back in that small window but after your spam you literally run out of gas i guess and i hold on to bladestorm until the end of my burst to use my 2h ive been continuing to test my theory whil;e finding a fun propr style of play ive found a few mnore things out since last i was here and regretable i went throughj surgery and it made me like moody so im gonn keep brining my accolades up using 1h arms if any one wants to see it in action im always in storm wind in the training ground realm
azshara testing stuff like gear set up stat allocation and trinkets and leggo line up stuff like that for 1h arms and i change my gear alot and again this was my alt i turned into my new main i had practically no accolades to prove what im saying but i have a 10 key in my bag right now my m rating is like 720 something i do top damage most mythic lvls until lvl ten then my guild leader was out dpsing me on his rogue more sustain i think but may have found a way to use a poison trinket plus rend to keep good single target anyways im on every day so im sure some of you will see me eventually
again any questions i will answer to the best of my ability and oh since someone asked me to test it in game for them unfortunately no the conduit for fury extending recklessness up time doesn’t work i socketed it to try it and nothing happened so it has to be from the actually ability not the leggo signet of tormented kings and no the leggo that makes you cast ms twice while blade storming doesn’t do anything if you blade storm with a 1h i know sad but i may have found something interesting with massacre and sudden death together with storm bolt and avatar but the talent might not work too well like that so sudden death rend seems to be optimal or massacre skull splitter otherwise its kind of too much rng to be viable unless you have a alot of mastery and crit to make slam do good damage maybe a anger management build i tried it in bfa but not recently i will notify here for an update i can post my basic build items trinkets and gear allocation plus talents to those curios if any one asks
i never played gladiator spec… my parents took the game away from me whenever i wasnt doing good in school at the time of wod i was youg now im alot older so i never got to experience it
At this point in the xpac, just run prot and stack crit and versa and run venthyr if you want to be tanky and pump dps.
Condemn still hits really hard, its not unusual for me to crack off a hit of 14k with it (crit) in prot spec. And my shield slam crits are normally in the 5k mark now.
My gear is all trash to, just Korthia stuff, so if you raid or high end pvp your gear will be even better and you’ll get even better performance out of it.
It was sadly never relevant. If you want to use a shield play protection.
Maybe one day Blizzard will revive Gladiator Stance (A talent from Warlords that allowed Prot to become a DPS spec), but until than of you’re DPSing as a Warrior don’t use a shield.