From Down Town :0 Swish
HA HA HA HA no once again im here to further prove my once hypothesis of can arms warrior out dps a 2h warrior or can it do more damage ETC
i delved further into my build getting more gear and putting my stats where i want it so now sitting at 50% mastery with conquerors banner AND 11% vers yes you can absolutley 100% out dps a 2h arms warrior the biggest reason is that other than using the battle lord leggo you can not reduce or reset or finish the rest of mortal strikes cooldown but from scratch you can do this with over power remember how i said my op were doing 10 k( its alot more now) damage and it was compared to a 34k mortal strike after the one swing you had you did 34 k i can do 3 over powers and if it crits it does 30 k which i have also gotten my over powers to crit multiple times in a row and have it reset way more than 3 times so from what i just told you do you think you could guess how im out dpsing almost all 2h arms warriors i come across even more geared ones than me supposedley more skill?. out of everyone you meet playing the game there is bound to be a good warrior that does better than average dps but they just run out of gas as soon as the hit the ms button then have to wait for it to come back to do decent damage as were my over powers are doing quite a bit of damage and spammable and they cannot be dodged blocked or parried which ms is susceptible to so before you hit ms 3 times im way ahead of you in dps and the swing timer for 1h swords is shorter than a 2h so i literally generate rage almost 2 seconds faster than a 2 h war would at auto attacks depending on haste this is shorter meaning execute phases are more reliable using massacre to secure your kill after your burst in pvp or pve always having rage after using execute not having to waste a global using op or some other ability to wait for rage to download
in pure numbers op should NOT out scale ms but knowing that it can do this much damage now with op and making a way to use it more times than you could ever dish out ms strikes you fill the gaps with soul conduits and more mastery plus being a necro lord you get to were i am rn out dpsing you in mythics and you crying about it
also tanks even prot my relative spec cant do more damage than doing this i have a guild mate whos a monk tank hes 245ilvl i did a mythic necrotic wake with him and i matched his dps and im ilvl 214 doing this at the time he was pulling dps in the teens on multiple mob packs and i was right below him in details 2nd place doing 11k peaked 12 k in the burst
my stats
15.86% crit 8.64% haste 11.05 % vers 36.11 % mastery 48.22 % with banner active
conquerors banners+
colossus smash+
plagueys premptive strike+
226 crash the ramparts conduit+
226 veterans repute conduit+
kevins oozeling (last rows built in conduit)+
sinful revelation (volatile solvents mastery buff from being a humaniod from using flesh craft) USING PLAGUE DEVISER MARILETH
SO thats roughly all these buffs in number form
20% increase/ 400 mastery +18% strength from conduit(cb)/(colossus smash) 30%/(pps) 12%/soul conduit crash the ramparts 16.2% increased damage to overpower/kevins oozeling 6% damage increase/sinful revalation weapon enchant 6%.
i also have the flame of
battle a vers trink that gives me 540 vers for 12 seconds which brings my vers to 27.27%
and my matsery makes the enemy take and additional 36 % damage in addition to colossus smash