Arms War is still less than half a player in PVP and PVE

i’m sure u can quote where i did this

still no answer to this, its interesting how u can type a paragraph responding to something and completely fail to answer it, and go back to the same old same old simmed pvp encounter

i have no clue what it is because you can’t sim pvp encounters, if you find a priest who kills you 2.5 to 3 times faster than you kill him let me know what he is doing to achieve that, so far u have 0 answers.

I’m fairly certain you can’t answer it, my guess is you’ll mention “sim” or just go back to insults or completely ignore it

Yes it is truly sad the state of warriors in SoD. Warrior has always been my favorite class because they are supposed to ramp up as a fight continues on but I don’t understand how there is such a disparity in class abilities. Every class has been made self-sufficient except warriors. There has been such a disappointment and lack of creativity for warriors regarding the runes. Other classes get similar runes that have much better stats and abilities. Look at Shield Mastery rune for shaman vs warrior. Shaman rune is way better, warrior has been completely gutted and is basically only useful for raiding with full World Buffs. If a warrior is a weapon master and can use all weapons, why can’t we can any creative runes about that? How about a ranged instant attack? How about a giving single minded fury its damage modifier back? How about giving flagellation its damage modifier back? We have a chest rune called blood frenzy that makes our Rend DoT tick for 150 damage instead of 60 damage, LOL. It should be closer to 500 damage a tic.

This thread is so funny to read through, especially since I main a shadow priest and PVP/raid a lot.

It’s clear that this Abralan dude knows very little about spriests or PVP in general. From the fact he doesn’t know the runes, gear/tier, or even the rotations, I simply can’t understand why he wants to base his fantasy numbers on us priests in particular. It’s such a bizarre hill to die on.

Are warriors any good in PVP? Only with good players and a decent team (who would’ve guessed), but yes they are.

Is ARMS specifically good at PVP? Sometimes, but basically any other class would be more useful in its current state. Any good PVPer could make it work, but that player would do even better on another class (except PVP mage, they are suffering too)

Is ARMS good for raiding? Not without the absolutely perfect gear/buffs/raid-comp/etc… so basically no. (Because every other class can still do decent without all of that)

This thread is about ARMS being half of a player, and I agree that it is without major changes.

Arms is worse than tanks in raid, anyone PvPing as Arms should only be doing so to provide MS debuff/hook utility for their premade (you know, so the good classes can carry it). Solo PvPing as warrior you should be glad stance prot or 2h fury, because both of those do more damage than Arms. If you lose to an arms warrior you would’ve lost to either other spec even harder.

Arms is dead, and per Zirene’s twitter, not being supported.

So, Kefka shows that Warrior in the proper hands is still deadly… but since 80% of you guys are beyond terrible. You wont take pointers from a good player.

How about you post a video of you playing warrior? I bet you wont.


Thank you brother. Also, for the record I sincerely believe arms is better than 2h fury and prot/glad (and much more fun)for PvP.

No offense to Kefta, but beating up some randoms in BGs, much less SoD bgs, is not a flex or an indication of the state of the class.

I killed plenty of bad players while gearing my warrior, I’m geared now and it’s still a joke how bad the class is.

warriors should be the best at everything at all times and at least 75% of every server should be warrior or its not vanilla

You should tell the SoD devs about the state warrior PvP has been in since SoD came out then because it’s been absolute trash the whole time.

remember when the devs said they wanted to do “weekly” class balance changes?

yeah that was a good joke


You must be going up against rank 1 players all the time. lol

Warrior is not Op but far from being terrible.

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It’s definitely terrible. Play it in bgs without BRE, it’s giga trash outside of hitting mages. I hit anything above cloth for like 300 damage out of their 6-7k hp

and this marks 3 weeks without me even rolling for an item in raid because nothing drops. unbelievable how awful the rng is

RNGness does suck. What weap you using? and how does the rest of ur gear looks? I mean, warrior always sucks till they are geared. The best class that jump in power base on gear.

I have full r13 and untamed blade. it’s trash.

I hit a 300 damage bloodthirst during an untamed 300 strength proc (600 extra ap, which should be ~300 more damage on bloodthirst)

Ah… UB is terrible. I think the AR or UF are way better. Once you get a weap you will see Kefka type numbers. =)

It’s literally just having BRE man. You need the armor ignore to do damage.

If you don’t have it and you’re trying to do BG’s it’s just garbage.

You can still do damage without it outside of BG’s but like, the world pvp is even worse because you’ll just get vaporized by the un-tuned damage other classes do

Yeah lets buff warriors because of the bottom 50%

That surely wont make the top parsing warriors broken


We’re talking about arms, you can buff arms without buffing fury, moron.

Wasnt replying to you big dog

I would still love to see some arms warrior buffs. Wild strikes and an armor pen would both be great ways to buff arms with affecting Pve.

If I had both of those as baseline abilities it would be very fun.

It should be a weaker wild strikes though so that feral druids don’t become obsolete in Pve.

It would be nice if they atleast made wildstrikes a baseline Druid ability. I almost never get to play with it because most ferals use survival of the fittest rune instead.

Crossing my fingers that warriors get something fun for phase 6.

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