Still no updates since Zirene said they’re dropping support for the Arms tree. Warrior has no way to reliably apply armor pen quickly (but rogue and priest can lol) so best cast scenario it takes 7.5 seconds and 75 rage to apply sunders in a game where boomkin can instantly starsurge you for 3x the dmg of a mortal strike, which stuns you, then 1.0 second cast starfire (if they have zg stuff) and do 4k dmg and global you. Chimera shot routingly hits 4x or 5x harder than a Mortal Strike.
On PTR, I made a BiS warrior and boomkin. Not only can starfall, literally by itself, do more DPS during its duration than an Arms warrior can do with its entire rotation, but it does around double dps with only instant spells. Triple if you start casting things with a cast timer. Was dropping 10k 1.0 sec starfires on the dummy when the Arms warrior with Ashkandi was doing 2.5k mortal strike… when it had ZERO armor. Tested hamstring on various targets to confirm no armor. So what do you expect a warrior to do with the boomkin has more armor than it? Boomkin is doing like 6x or more the dps easily in normal PVP.
It’s crazy it got this bad. I get it - the devs are understaffed and underfunded but lets get these folks some calculators and a basic spreadsheet on how armor and attack tables work.
Whats the fix? Make Mortal Strike do actual damage. Give warriors a heroic throw with a CD like shadow word death that applies 5 sunders and does weapon damage. Make it so MS and OP can interact with each other to do bonus blood/bleed damage that ignores armor. Make rend do actual damage (with the chest rune it does like 1/10th what a moonfire dot does). Arms shouldnt be doing less damage than all the tanks and healers in raid. It should be around what a ret can do, at least, because ret has way more survivability and utilitly. Arms should be a fine spec for dungeons, pvp, open world, etc and be a little bit better than fury normally but then in raid fury is a little bit better with all the ramping and stacking buffs.
You shouldnt just drop the spec. We have 2h melee hunters! dual wield melee hunter, and then 3 talent trees, ranged hunter, etc. We have 3 rogue talent trees with S tier PVE and S tier PVP options on pretty much all of them AND they can tank. We have healing mages and tank locks. Why on earth do warriors lose an ENTIRE talent tree!? How.