Arms mobility

Are you new to the game


No, no, no. :newspaper_roll:

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do they really need a slow with this much mobility?

It’s not even in the realm, nay, plane of existence of possibility that they’d even consider remove hamstring.

Something is going to give.

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They’ll nerf melee mobility the same time they make casters actually need to cast again.


Of the myriad things to complain about that actually need attention, “Arms mobility” is nowhere near the list.

that’s the thing

it won’t

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It can’t be Hamstring. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

They wont.

I see you are as well, coping because you’re the only resto druid who can’t leap a bladestorm.

Mobility without a snare isn’t mobility. Everyone is mobile. If they can just press W and outpace you, your mobility is pointless.

70% snare on BS is pretty huge training wheels tho imo


sorry bro nerfs inc for you

NGL When I came back and I tried healing, the first thing I said to myself is “How TF these warriors have so much mobility.” But that’s just me. 2 Charges, 1 Leap, Intercept, Bolt, BS to remove any roots or ignore a knock back, also having naturally high Armor stat. Trust me I played MOP and Saw when warrior was greater than god himself but it still feels rough fighting one.

Only bad warriors cry about their mobility

The cope of a 1600 rdruid. Buffs are probably coming for arms, not nerfs.

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Lol, its funny the only players that agree with you are other warriors, yet, im the one copping.

Reality begins to dawn on the terrible rdruid as it begins to realize it has every tool it needs to escape, as does every other range, and shockingly, the only people echoings its opinion are 1300 wizards. :o:


are 1300 wizards.

faithhealing typing

Edit: He stopped after I called it out LOL

Gulbanned seems to agree. Hes 2400 right now. There aren’t very many people out there that don’t agree with pretty much all the points being made in this thread there guy. FYI, that mog isn’t the one either. Maybe drop the 5th root break and roll a class that doesn’t look like hot garbage.

I guess your brain doesn’t register correctly, I told you this like 10 times, I welcome warriors to go me. Its my partners that have the trouble with getting them off of them. But, what do i expect from a warrior player, dont forget to make sure your W key working properly.

And the only players saying they have thr tool kite to keep warriors off them are warriors.

Skill issue.

You might want to let your hunter partner know he has freedom and disengage.

No his pets are 2400, he’s demo.

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