Arms mobility

Idk where you’re getting those numbers from but they aren’t right either

Arms is the fourth highest spec rep wise across both NA and EU and across all 4 brackets

Not that it matters because rep means basically nothing but every single one of you just pull numbers out of thin air when there is a site that provides the most accurate numbers you could possibly want


Blizzard. :snowflake:

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The armory, I assume?

This is more accurate.

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Ok we’ll bust out the old PvPLeaderboard, showing:

Let’s first check our Arms Warriors, in All Brackets:
Arms count = 9981
2200+ CR = 64
0.64% of Arms Warriors earn good rating.

Now perhaps another melee spec we’re forgetting:
DH count = 10464
2200+ CR = 236
2.25% of DH earn good rating.

Let’s try a control of Frost Mage:
Frost Mage count = 7225
2200+ CR = 43
0.59% of Frost Mages earn good rating.

For jollies let’s round out “the” Mage with “the” Lock:
Demo Lock count = 6017
2200+ CR = 71
1.17% of Demo Locks earn good rating.

And one more melee, the ever-present Sub Rogue:
Sub Rogue count = 6711
2200+ CR = 64
0.95% of Sub Rogues earn good rating.

Let’s order these by success rate:

2.25% - DH
1.17% - Demo Lock
0.95% - Sub Rogue
0.64% - Arms Warrior
0.59% - Frost Mage

Not seeing anything outlandish about Arms warrior. But, uh, how about them DH? They, er, move fast and all that. Big dam. :japanese_ogre:


My stats disprove yours, sorry.

You didn’t share any yourself.

Not really, you’re the one writing paragraphs when you’re clueless.

Not the one that loses even in challenger rankings, ty. Never try to bring up anyone else ‘losing’.

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Don’t mind Arf, he’s some weirdo furry who escaped the inn and thinks abusing fotm to 2100 at the end of season in shuffle is pvp.


LOL this is too funy.
All I can do is laugh. I remember clearly when arms could not kill a mage because they would simply teleport away or a hunter, as they would just spam disengage. Now nerf them they hurt me LOL thats all I can do.

Yes they will nerf arms warriors as the player base has never been able to handle being killed by warriors…ever. Reminds me of throwdown, I miss my old middle finger ability.
My apologies old memories made me laugh on this one.

Bladestorm 1min
Avatar 1.5min (reduced by around 20-30 seconds based on rage spent)
Commanding shout if PvP Talented 3min

Feels reasonable comparable to rogue with multiple vanishes and cloak of shadows, ret with 25 sec freedom, or monk with 30 sec tiger’s lust.
Or ranged root breaks like 20sec fade or warlock soulburn port which can be as low as 15 seconds and give you root + snare immunity and 50% move speed.

The only real advantage that arms has for root breaks is being able to pool multiple longer cooldowns and use them back to back, similar to rogue. But they’re also attached to major cooldowns that have important uses besides breaking roots, so it’s a trade off and a bigger commitment than using something like freedom.

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Queue a lobby against 3 casters as a war and then come back with these insane arguments. I dare you.

I guarantee you will not enjoy the experience.

No offense but this is a stupid argument

Every spec has rough lobbies


Every lobby on my 1400 enhance is a rough lobby

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:people_hugging: I’m sorry you play that spec, even though you’re a dirty disgusting Demon Hunter who deserves no empathy.

I understand, thank you for your partial compassion.

Epically posted


Pretty sure that’s yourself, this char wasn’t even played at the end of the season. Though you can’t even get my name right as you swap alts to hide yourself (again) I hadn’t even queued since prob August/sept)

Arf coping hard as per usual.

Arms FOTM too lmfao. Keep having your fried opinions you weirdo.

Dude is fried he’s the only person I have blocked on forums.


I see you’re on every Warrior posted. Just face it, Warrior mobility is broken and Nerfs are INC.


How would they even go about adjusting it, though?

Remove their slow, is probably the easiest way. Or make them shorter distance.

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