Arms Mastery Change: Please Reconsider

I think the big thing is people hope this brings back a feeling of big hits but frankly don’t realize that’s not how the game has been tuned especially in PvP for eight years. Stamina scaling has become a real balancing act to stop the “instant burst” gameplay. Now, you’re going to see executes go from 1400 to 1550 - not exactly game changing.

That’s why I feel like loading the damage unevenly into one or two key places makes it feel more “Wow!” than spreading it over the kit. Let Versatility do the latter - let mastery emphasize the core.

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Oh excuse me for enjoying warrior more when I’m able to dunk on people in stormbolts

I’d argue there’s also a pretty significant factor of, many arms warriors have this terrible habit of, “We’re weak right now, so this design sucks. Remember when we were objectively overtuned to the point of being broken? That was good design”


Yes I guess I’m a child for liking high burst over a consistent bleed lmao, I’m not arguing warrior is bad in pvp because that’s not the case at all, it could just be more fun


When was this? Legion?

Any time when you could drop someone with an MS to 20% and finish with an execute, or just straight up to 0. Then there was the start of Cata, HFC, EN, ToS, etc.

Wasn’t any specific point in mind, there’s been several to draw from.


Thanks - it’s never happened to me so that’s why I was curious. I stopped seeing warrior meta since WoD - people found out they could 1v2 as WW Monk.

I honestly would love to go back to s1 of MoP playstyle of arms where we got Taste for Blood stacks (up to 5) to make Heroic Strike hit like a truck (RiP never forget), MS generated rage and CS felt scary AF to be hit by.

Warrior hasn’t 1 shot ppl since taste for blood stacks in mop tho

I would rather have a Legion version of Mastery, or dare I say leave it how it is now in BFA. The Shadowlands version takes the worst part of Legion and combines it with the worst part of BFA. Mastery is ending up as useless once again.

Our rage generation is a joke. Mortal Strike, and Execute do not do near the amount of damage in relation to rage cost. We just are not seeing the big hits from those abilities, even with Overpower. And Slam just might as well be removed, I don’t even use it as a filler, I would rather do nothing than waste rage on that ability.

Arms is doing slow weak damage compared to Fury.


That’s exceedingly not the point.

So you’re deliberately playing badly and blaming the class for it.

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I think the point there is Deep Wouds filled a serious damage gap with the primary abilities, and the tuning of mastery is going to shift a heavy gap into ability tuning - Slam feeling lethargic won’t be corrected with blanket versa. The only way Slam felt good, personally, was Crushing Assault. Otherwise it is just a button to avoid capping rage.

Slam still feels really good with Crushing Assault though the proc rate feels lower - that was also true on other classes’ procs too though so maybe everyone is going to suck equally (not likely). Some days, the Alex Jones in me wonders if Ion’s job is complete only once the majority of players are wizards.

We’re one day away from prepatch. I think many people have their hopes up they’re not walking into a BFA 2. Everything I’ve seen so far though hasn’t filled me with reassurances. Once more people struggle to kill Zandalar rares, I feel more will come here to post that there is a real problem. And that’s the tip of the iceberg.

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And activating tactician. That’s rather important.

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If it were guaranteed to proc, I’d agree.

Also, it’s severely devalued with Dreadnought.

Cause 1shot is so good for PvP.

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I mean it’s fun

If you really think pvp is fun when you’re simply playing an overpowered spec, I’m not sure why you’re pvp’ing.

Just go fight low level mobs outside a city.

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i mean yah ofc its fun just ask every rogue mage destro player right now


You can outplay these specs.

You cannot outplay someone that can one to two shot you.

There is a different between being strong, and being broken.