Arms Mastery Change: Please Reconsider

that sounds like the same thing but less constant

and I think we’re past the point they’d be making changes to our mastery

They said they agree the mastery felt unrewarding.


Arms mastery is already being changed in SL. Why even post this?

The outcry against Deep Wounds mostly came from the PvP community. Since Burst is king, having a good portion of our damage coming from a bleed effect was counter intuitive. In fact, Blizzard ended up nerfing Deep Wounds in PvP since it overshadowed all other sources of our damage.

From a PvE stand point, it doesn’t matter if Deep Wounds is our Mastery because damage is damage regardless of how it is delivered. Although to some it might not “feel” good, no one can argue with the results.

Personally, I don’t like Deep Wounds as our Mastery, but reverting it back to something a long the lines of just increasing Mortal Strike/Execute damage has some pretty obvious issues as we have seen in the past.

So, what is the answer then? Who knows, but I would rather have them bring back Opportunity Strikes and give it some interaction with our abilities rather than what we’re getting in Shadow Lands.

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And now it’s even less rewarding by being versa with an upkeep tax.

Because what it’s being changed to is lazy and tragic.

Right - as if corruptions aren’t the top damage contributions for several classes right now, especially when we talk Gushing in PvP…

You’ve ignored what I’ve asked. If crit plus mastery is zero sum and stacking mastery necessarily reduces the frequency of crits or stacking crit necessarily reduces the size of crits, then Arms still fails to deliver on your stated “design goal”. You either have big crits and never see them, or you have more frequent smaller crits. You’re forced into a decision when you put secondary stats against each other. Which is why I put forward:

But as two distinct stats, the proposed system doesn’t deliver what you keep emphasizing.

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No it’s not LOL. It’s what it should have been…

Tip for life: Don’t ask Why? then follow up the response with No.

I appreciate that we want something different and I get that Deep Wounds isn’t very Arms-smash-like. That’s the whole context of what I’ve put forward.

I have reasons for thinking it’s lazy, at the least. It’s flat versatility, basically. I don’t see how that’s industrious or ingenious. If you have some insight, I’d appreciate to know Why? myself. Maybe that will change how I feel about the tragedy too.

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I honestly liked mastery increasing the damage of Deep Wounds… My issue is that it kept getting nerfed in PvP. I welcome the new change.

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They also said;

Inner fury, there can be an argument for, but it did still see use in multiple scenarios for fury in BFA, CD, on the other hand, is utterly nonsensical. It was one of the most used and powerful talents for arms throughout bfa. Calling it underutilized isn’t simply inaccurate. It’s a blatant disregard for reality.

Additionally, FB has been the premier talent on it’s row since the very first build. At no point in the beta or alpha has it been “underutilized”. It had to be nerfed twice for the other options to even be considered in terms of power.

This is exactly what many, though not all, have stated they didn’t want to happen. Some would rather not use anything but execute in the execute phase, but others would only want to use MS if it’s actually strong enough to warrant it on it’s own merits. Being forced to use it to maintain a debuff, goes against the entire idea of the proposed change, making abilities hit hard. Instead, MS is now being treated like a glorified debuff maintainer. I.E., what it already was.

This is just incorrect. At below 3 targets, you didn’t use cleave, but SS was powerful.

You still used SS at 3+ targets even with cleave. This honestly just doesn’t make any sense.

(My point being, if this post is the basis for their reasoning behind changes, I’m not putting stock into their word here)

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That post probably isn’t the entire reasoning behind all changes made to the class. They would have far more data and information than what anyone here is privy to. But it does serve as testimony for the statement that “the devs felt the mastery to be underwhelming,” as it comes directly from Kaivax. It’s not conjecture, it’s not hearsay, it’s not trying to read the minds of the devs. It’s coming directly from their representative to the community. You can’t get a better source for their opinion than that, (without perhaps interviewing the devs yourself, or being one of the devs.)

I agree, I miss Executioners Precision being baked into the spec as it was in Legion, but at least we are getting it back as a Legendary (at the cost of a legendary slot.)

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Oh aye, I’m aware of who Kaivax is.

I’m just stating I somehow don’t really think that reasoning is the real reasoning. It’s just another mastery that too many arms warriors took issue with, and demanded removed for a new one.

This is only what, the fifth one?

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Then you are going into the territory of trying to read their minds, meaning you will never get a clear answer and will never be able to disentangle your own biases from your conclusions. It is better to stick to trying to disprove positivist claims, and give people the benefit of the doubt as to what they claim they own subjective opinion is, otherwise you will be left spinning cobwebs forever. Or put simply, there is no point in arguing over the unprovable.

It could always be both, and both could have fed back into one another.

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Probably the biggest misunderstanding by the blue poster here is Colossus Smash.

Cleave drastically improves the feel of spreading deep wounds in multi target.

But it makes it literally impossible to spread a very significant +30% debuff from Colossus Smash because it sits in the same talent row as Warbreaker and removes Sweeping Strikes, literally the only other way to spread Colossus Smash.

So you get the choice between a clunky mechanic to spread Deep Wounds, or no way to spread Colossus Smash. I’ll take the former. And so will everyone else until Blizzard figures that out. Colossus Smash is a huge debuff.


Bfa mastery is just boring

What mastery is not.


Versatility is exciting. Wow, +10% damage, whoa.

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Wod mastery was fun asf lmao, Critting people for 200k executes in pvp was peak fun mastery

So a completely passive damage amp that cannot be played around, and has zero interaction at all, is less boring, because of where it shows the numbers.

Are you a child?

In pvp having high burst is more satisfying than being a dot spec sorry lmao

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To you. Some would argue they don’t care how they win, simply that they win.

Arguing one is better than another based off of nothing but personal preference is incredibly asinine, inane, and silly.