Arms Mastery Change: Please Reconsider

Hear me out! Deep Wounds is a bad idea for Arms Mastery. But so is a flat second versatility tied to debuff management on Mortal Strike.

Instead, the Overpower damage buff to Mortal Strike should be the candidate for Arms Mastery. The biggest possible MS as the class claim to fame. Anyone agree?


Although, I do agree that the current design of Arms Mastery isn’t very good, however, I don’t think that front loading all of our damage into one ability is a good idea as well.


What’s the suggestion then?

The OP is two in combination - Overpower and Mortal Strike. And yeah, maybe there’s something better.

I liked the Mastery being more like Ignite, making abilites do a percentage Deep Wounds, rather than a flat bleed buff. To me that’s the ideal middle if they’re serious about ability damage but that’s just delayed effect multistrike then. Maybe Mastery just needs removed outright.

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I mean, just reverting to bfa mastery would be wise.

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This is going to sound lame but in its current form, a DoT that increases damage, you might as well just revert mastery to increasing your core ability’s damage (e.g. Execute, Mortal, OP) passively. That’s supposedly what everyone wanted, without the annoyance of having to spread and keep up a debuff.

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No one wants Arms to be a boring bleed spec just stop. It’s so terrible for the game and warrior design. Deep wounds should be 6th or 7th in dmg on the meters. Arms should be exciting and about big Yuuuuge crits. Pressing keys should be fun and make your jaw drop.


Well, bleeds do ignore armor, so thank you everyone for shooting yourself in the foot by complaining about this.


So how does mastery support crits? Doesn’t that just take away the amount of crit you can build?

I mean, I’m all for mastery increasing crit damage and crit chance to make Arms a monster.

Plus then it’s like the anti-Prot mastery too.

We know but no one wants Arms to be a sad bleed spec. That is atrocious and why people complained about it. They want to damage by actually hitting buttons which is what Arms gameplay used to be about. Warriors design has been lost for many years now which is why I shelved my Warrior main since TBC and rerolled Pal.

Mastery increases your direct damage right? That is what warriors want… to deal direct dmg and look at those sexy crit numbers. Which is what I said.

Maybe a building buff that increases the damage of mortal strike that winds up by not using it. I’d love arms to be a real thinking class with strategy. A building buff that fires on use of MS a long as healing debuff isn’t on the target. Utility vs big hits

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You realize that arms with bfa DW has more interaction with it’s mastery than 31 of the 36 specs in the game, right.

And, no one? By that, you mean, not you.

How is it bad for the game.

Arms has had bleeds be the majority of it’s damage 6 times in the past, before BFA. Why do you act like it’s an unheard of thing.

All it takes to make your jaw drop is a big number?

That’s incredibly silly.

You keep saying no one.

That is demonstrably incorrect.

in your opinion.

Try doing damage without hitting buttons as BFA arms. See how that goes for you.

You were literally a warrior in Legion. And make quite a noise, as though anyone gave a single damn, that you were rerolling paladin in bfa. Based on the beta. Which is inane.


BFA arm’s mastery was very boring I guess, but it made us the best melee dps in the end.


It’s not just about toping the meters its how you top the meters. It’s just sickening to see Arms and Deep wounds is top dmg. That is a sad state of the game. It should be a minor part of it’s damage and Warriors should do big cleaving hits. Bad design is bad design and players want to play Warriors not be a lame bleed spec. That is why it was hated.


In your opinion.

In your opinion.

In your opinion, subjective, subjective, opinionated, on and on.

“Bad design” is not the same as “I don’t like it”


How you top the meters and having fun class design isn’t an opinion. People are here to play a game and have fun.

No it really wasn’t an opinion the majority of players are sickened that Arms is a bleed spec… The Devs agree and that is why it was changed.

Bad design is bad design and it has to be fixed.

If you think Arms how it was as a bleed spec was good… you are just wrong.



And turns out different people have fun in different ways.

What you find fun is not the objective path to having fun.



“You are just wrong about this subjective thing, because I have a different opinion”.

You still haven’t shown how it’s bad for the game, or bad design.

You just don’t personally like it.

Which is entirely different.


Just don’t look at the damage meter breakdown.

Turn off on screen number and you won’t notice the difference.

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The class design and how you do damage is literally what dictates fun gameplay though. Dps rotation should feel fun and it’s why you choose 1 Dps over another because it fits your play style with fun gameplay.

Maybe you can just press 1 button and it plays for you too while you watch TV. :man_facepalming: Most people are here to play the game and immerse themselves into Azeroth. You literally said turn off what your role is… to do Damage!

Gonna let you guys just troll each other because some of your comments can’t be serious. Good luck and lets hope Warriors can be real Warriors again and maybe people can play them again.

Warriors aren’t having fun when bleeds is their top dmg… Period! and if you disagree you are wrong. It goes against the players and Devs wish for how Warriors should play. If you like Bleeds play feral but don’t ruin Warriors with bad design.

Now gonna bail out of this thread… stated the facts and now we can hope Warriors become great again.


What? Damage meters don’t impact class design or rotation whatsoever, I would play Fury the exact same as I currently do without details installed.

Your damage is still there, it doesn’t magically disappear when you turn on screen numbers off, and hey you can still look at you damage on details, just don’t look at the breakdown section.

I think you might be misreading or misunderstanding what I’m saying if that’s the case.

If you hate the class because of the damage sources and not because of the rotation you clearly didn’t really like it. Also entirely subjective.

“My dad is stronger then your dad”

I guess I missed the survey where you asked every player and dev their opinion.

Do you fear being proven wrong?


To you.

Go press one button and see how much damage you do.

This is fun. You legit just say the same things on repeat, treat your opinion as fact, and fail to actually respond to questions or rebuttals.

The fact that you don’t agree, does not make the opposition a “troll” or lack legitimacy.

You play a video game at a computer. You’re not a real warrior.

You’re not having fun when bleeds are your top damage.

That’s not how subjective opinions work.

some players.

Citation needed.

Your personal opinions*

There’s at least a dozen specs that rely in part, if not nearly entirely, on dots.