Arms is wild

I was talking to my arena partner today and we were arguing about the amount of brain power required to play Arms Warrior in PvP right now.

My claim is you can open palm slam your hands on the keyboard and win, but you definitely need gear to do it.

He said you don’t need gear, but you need to know what you’re doing to some degree.

I tested it by going into an Arena with him on my 418 Arms Warrior (basically a fresh 120 with a little mythic dungeon gear). 200k HP unbuffed, we won every match we queued for like 30 minutes before I realized we were both wrong.

You can actually play arms warrior without gear or any idea as to what you’re doing, as long as you hit the glowing buttons and spam execute in dampening.

I rage capped myself like 10 times by accident because I didn’t have anything to spend it on (no idea how to play arms warrior) and ended up killing this Unholy DK who had well into the realm of 500k HP.

Remember kids, spam execute and you win.


Testing hypotheses in the 13hundo bracket nice


1400-1600 but yeah, that’s to be expected when you pick up an alt that hasn’t been touched since WoD for the most part, outside of bringing it to a few Mythic 0’s for fun in the very beginning of 8.3 as Prot.

Point still stands.

I agree nerf dh


Don’t think I can trust someone with a 45% win rate in 3s.


guy battles dragons

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man i wish this was true


yeah execute is dog log

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Execute literally does the :poop: iest damage


It is true.

Arms can dominate the placement games bracket


I agree NERF DH

Man if deep wounds rolled like Ignite does arms would be hilarious


fake post

execute doesn’t do any damage


You ever queue with pugs my guy? 8.3 is garboog.

all execute are so trash right now.

Hammer of wrath went from a 9k damage ability in wrath when people had 30k health and instant killed people.

To cata doing ok damage without wings and being the harder hitting ability with wings up. 36k crit on 150k health
To mop being the same thing but less damage on it.
To wod being the same thing as mop.
Deleted in legion somehow.
To bfa being a mere generator, but a generator only available during wings.

Yeah enhance is also wild in the 1400 bracket.

Arms isn’t bad at all but it def requires gear and depending on the comp, a brain

I tried queing when I was like 420ilvl and I was getting killed instantly by rogues with 500k hp.

One game I opened on a DH and disarmed him as he metad. He used his essence of focusing iris and killed me instantly through die by the sword.

Gear plays so much of a role especially in the lower bracket. The only way u won every game was if ur partner was decked.

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The real question is when will you put on your big boi pants and play fury

Dude it’s insane how much sense it doesn’t make that deep wounds is applied by x y and z attacks but its damage value is an assrandom formula of attack power and mastery with no relationship to the damage of the attack that applied it


Agreed. My MS hits harder than execute. In fact, execute shouldn’t even be called that. Should just call it, tickle.