Arms is wild

This man got outplayed by deep wounds.


Hope this is true :crossed_fingers: I boosted one today.

Same, I’m never gonna run stormbolt dont @me

Double time beb

If you actually die to beam it’s your own fault lol…


As arms I rarely see crits over 30k .

How is that my fault.

Dh was disarmed. He used his essence. I was in Dstance and my health dropped so fast I Die by the sword at 50% and it still killed me.

What would u have done differently ? I armoried him after and he was 471 ilvl with Legendary essence of focusing iris

You could have kicked it. Also I think iris only does like 150-170k on 1 target so I don’t think it could have killed you from full hp with wall up.

:crazy_face: :crazy_face: jUsT KiTe HiM, BrO!!11 DHs dOnT hAvE a PaSsiVe sLoW!!1111 :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This post is kinda like the PvP equivalent of a raider bragging about how OP a class was because he went through and solo’d WoD raid bosses in 460+ BFA gear.

Essences aren’t stronger if they’re legendary, but you can just kick iris or stop it pretty quickly prolly what they meant

I don’t think i’v ever seen iris major outside of like 1700 games.

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Because you can kick it, fear it or stun it or If nothing else leap away from it.

If you stun them and/or play with a good healer they can’t do much to you. Save trinket for kidney/bomb, dstance until they’re low, you win dampening so don’t mongo mongo in the opener. Play defensive w/ disarm and they can’t hurt you.

If they blind/sap you then they’re stupid because you can just break sap with rage and bomb their healer into the next century.

I love it when they use focusing iris, it means their major is useless. Just interrupt it after they start the cast and it goes on CD without doing damage. I haven’t lost to someone using main slot iris all expansion on any of my characters.

He’s multi-glad and 3k exp this expansion, so yeah he’s pretty decked. We’ve been playing together since the end of MoP, the man does so much PvP it’s almost ridiculous.

So you were carried by a good healer.

Nothing to see here folks.

Low ilvl warrior sucks major.

I mean a healer isn’t going to stop you from getting 100-0’d. I’m confident that if you were to queue with him you’d still die and be stuck in the 1500 bracket because you have no clue what’s going on.

This has already been tested in the multiple queues we’ve played where we’ve brought a 1800 or lower exp dps player into our groups and been hard stuck.

I think you don’t understand how Arenas work yet, which is fine, everyone learns at their own pace. I suggest you play a few more games :love_letter:

Yeh sorry broskie.

420ilvl warrior carried by uber geared healer. Your healer probably did more damage than you.

More at 11

I agree buff Arms Warrior.

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You can pretty much go in on a “fresh” char and win games as any class/spec in the game tbh. I was helping my friend cap 3’s on my 384 dh with rank 1 crucible