Arms got the season 1 tier bonus

For that to be the case there would have to be an actual demonstratable benefit to picking the alternatives. S1 & S2 don’t change moment to moment gameplay. Season 3 does, while simplifying the rotation.

In my opinion there was ONE OBJECTIVE choice based on what Blizzard requested. I’m hard pressed to believe anyone thinks reapplying Rend manually versus having a proc handle the majority of that uptime itself is more fun.

I know how words work. I chose mine specifically.

Potentially. However thats resources dedicated to a season thats largely just a “Victory Lap” for Dragonflight. I’d much rather those resources be used for, as you point out, hero talents for TWW (A supposedly evergreen system).

They don’t need to change it to be preferable. One is free to prefer their food as is over being steeped in condiments.

We don’t play tier sets in isolation. We play builds that will happen to have tier sets atop them.

I can believe it. It’s less RNG-dependent to get rolling (or, less seemingly wasteful when Rend-spreads proc Sudden-Clap) and, perhaps more importantly, allows for future baselined solutions.

I did not suggest using it merely for an S4 “victory lap”. I suggested cumulative, or at least multiple, choices, so one can have a much better chance to avoid tier sets that, to them, would actively make the gameplay of their spec’s resultant competitive builds worse.

Again, a nothing burger (lol) paragraph that didn’t demonstrate anything.

Correct! So you know what the S1 builds are? They’re just the builds we’re running now. The only thing that changes for S4 is that we’ll be playing Cleave for AoE further muddying an already overbloated AoE kit (Probably the second biggest complaint about Arms Warrior).

Like I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here. S1 didn’t win because people thought it was more fun. S1 won because that’s when Arms was the top DPS spec for that season in Raids.

It’s quite literally not. Look at how often you actuality cast rend in top single target parses. At most you cast it twice (More likely you’re casting a non-sudden death Thunderclap after the first application) in 5:00 fights for Arms single target in raids.

Your more often than not able to maintain the debuff via Sudden Death Procs without manually casting Rend or even Thunderclap (assuming good play).

All of the Arms sets sucked this expansion. Execute-Thunder Clap-Rend spread still being super target capped to 5 ruined the S3 set for AoE potential to me.

In any case, Blizzard “said” they would buff the sets accordingly, so that they’re appropriately strong, but I won’t be holding my breath.

Were that wholly true… that may still be preferable to some over being beholden to Super Clap.

Which is already a change that in turn affects the relative balance of Exhilarating Blows, Fatality, Collateral (and therefore Storm of Swords), Fervor (and therefore Improved Slam and Crushing Force), Bonegrinder (and therefore Hurricane and Bladestorm itself, and therefore Juggernaut), etc.

That is objectively a change.

Any resultant baselined changes to Rend spread (or even the need to do so) would also… objectively… be changes.

Actually read what you’re quoting. Sentences don’t arbitrarily end after their first three words.

And remember, your claim was that no one could prefer manually maintaining DoTs (preferring instead to interact only with a reduced kit).

Is it really so unimaginable that someone who likes Cleave, despite its “bloat”, would also like using additional actions elsewhere, siphoning away some of the 2-3 most used skills’ portion of CPM?

Again, my disagreement is only that it would be “objectively” incorrect to prefer the gameplay of S1 or S2 over S3’s.

Players are free to prefer baseline solutions to issues in combined AoE+ST, to find Cleave iconic and want to push it and play with builds built around it.

That is not non-gameplay. It is simply different from S3’s gameplay.

Where are the updates? I can’t seem to find the tuning updates for ARMS or Fury in the past week given season 4 coming up fast.

What we’re getting in a week.

Arms 2p 15% MS/Cleave DMG increase.
4p MS/Cleave/Execute crits grants a buff that increases all class damage by 8% and Crit by 8% (trinkets do not benefit from this as they’re not in the modifier list for it).

S2 visuals / Stats on pieces as well.

And if you don’t like those changes to the moment to moment gameplay then the correct answer is not that tier.

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and when you try to correct them it activates a 2-day, 50+ message argument about how you’re wrong, they’re right, and you’re just coping

every single time…

I voted for s1 aesthetic with s3 set bonus because it seemed very fitting for the rock-themed set to have an attack that causes excessive earthquakes. guess that was lost on others though whose min-max brains drove them to desperately vote for what was historically the most powerful

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I’m looking forward to using cleave again.

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