Armory tooltip text missing letters on S2 set pieces and trinkets

This problem has returned with the new class set procs (it was never fixed for the previous issues I reported). Any part of white text in the tier set description is now missing the first letter. For example, BM hunter set can proc Jackpot! but it is shown as “ackpot!” in the tooltip. In the case of the tier set, all text remains green unlike the previous issue I reported.

This is also the case for special raid trinkets like Mister Lock-n-Stalk which removes the M from Mass Destruction. :expressionless: The trinket does have an alternate Single Target mode that displays “recision Blasting” (precision) as the proc. All text on the trinket tooltip is white instead of green with the proc in white as it appears in-game.

The issues with Cyrce’s Circlet remain the same as my previous report.

Old report for reference:


Do not google that.

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