Armory not displaying all characters

On my main realm, not all of my characters are being displayed. I’ve tried logging out and back into the site, but 5 of my lvl 120s aren’t showing up. I’m not sure when this issue started, but I’m pretty sure that everything was working fine a week or two ago. I’ve logged into each of my characters in game but still no love on the armory with the “View All Your WoW Characters” option. I’m able to search for them all individually, it’s just having them all on one page that’s not working. Is anyone else having this issue?

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The armory has always been a finicky thing sometimes updates are instant sometimes it takes logging a few dozen times to work sometimes a PW change otherwise its just time.

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I’ve had some weird delays with things like transmogs not updating on the armory, but I’ve never had an issue with a bunch of characters not even showing up when they had previously. I know those below lvl 10 won’t appear, but I guess a recent update has caused the hiccup here.

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Realm connections always cause a bit of an issue on the Armory. If it doesn’t clear up after a week or so, please post on the Website Bug Report forum so our Web team can take a look.


So even if my realm wasn’t being connected (as far as I know) it could still be affected by this? I’ll check on it again next week and if the issue persists I’ll follow up as you advised. Thanks

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I wouldn’t rule it out but it can often just be blamed on a finicky system. :smiley:


5 days so far as armory is bugged and my forum avatars are missing. I didn’t want to spam when an already existing bug report with no response yet is open. I’m trying to think of some way I haven’t tried to get mine to show up. Short of unsubbing, uninstalling, and resubbing. Those steps seem too drastic. Tuesday maintenance is over.

Is it possible that the forum has new parameters set for SL? As in no fewer than 10 levels and none greater than 60 levels? Is the armory affected by the level change? And I checked, no realm mergers for me unless I missed a post.

Bug reports are typically one-way. So if there’s a bug with the armory, if they need more info, the web team might reply asking for specifics, but otherwise, it’s not usually a back and forth type of conversation.

Unfortunately, the armory has always sorta had a mind of its own. Getting it to update is one of the toughest bosses Blizz ever put forth :wink:


Same issues and done all the suggestions of logging in and out, or changing your password. Nothing has worked and does not even show my main character.

So, cause Blizzard can not get Realm connect down we need to wait a week just to see if this bug clears up? Why not just you know fix the issue? Why are the players forced to be personal bug testers, but still have to pay Blizzard?

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Bugs are rarely as easy as we think this kinda bug is like the missing inventory and gear but that crops up hard to nail down and fix.
For your last sentence were not paying for anything here forums are a perk for a active subscription where not paying for the forums in the sense your thinking.


You have to have a active sub to post, which means you pay to find their bugs. This has been a ongoing issue, and how long think this will go on? If they do not find any priority then it could be months.

They are great at making issues that should not have any correlation with each other, “We are connecting realms, but now you going to loose some of you alts at the same time, sorry about that”.

This is not even their first realm merging so how did this issue only show up this time? Bet the team that first worked on it got axed off and they are using whom ever they could dump this project on this time.

Except this is not true.

The Support forums, such as the one you’re currently posting in as well as Bug Reports (whether game or website) among others, do not require an active license.

The game is also free to play up to level 20.

But do go on. It isn’t like your forum characters have realm identity that can very much be impacted by realm connections, or anything.


I fail to see any reason to continue this thread if you are simply going to make up stories to fit some weird narrative that you are trying to tell.

If you believe you have encountered a bug with the website, please post in the Website Bug Report forum.