Armory for wow classic

Thottbot had an armory that we used back in the day. Not sure if this was posted, but yes there was a feature to check people without doing it in-person.


Yes on armory.

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It’s NOT really a re-creation of Vanilla, it has a lot of likeness but there are a lot of differences

its funny to see the only people with negative comments about having an armory are the nerds with max level retail characters because they actually play that horrible game.

you’ve been judged.

It’s not a re-creation at all. There are a lot of things that aren’t the same. It’s just a “Classic” version. is the closest to an armory we have atm.

I agree to an extent. Lol at thottbot posts “soloed X Boss as level 40 lock”. “Liar”

That being said, information wasn’t as accessible and you had to sift through websites to get it. You also had to understand what you were looking at. Thus, a lot of people - i.e. people not bothering to progression raid, didn’t know. But a good place to look was actually class forums. That in itself held a good amount of information.

I mean, that’s not at all true but… ok.

Thottbot was pretty accurate after beta. Allakhazam was basically wowhead and there were guides and BIS lists stickied on every class forum, I wrote a few of them. The information has always been there, it’s just a little easier to access these days.

I really dont care what anyone says here, but I just got two shoted by this shaman in level 39 bgs, and it looked like he was carrying that legendary axe, but i guess we’ll never know. His name is Xeqtr tho

Armory is not apart of the game it was a tool used from outside the game to make inspecting people easier, there is no reason why they couldn’t add it, it would not effect the gameplay at all.

It does change things. As it stands, if I want to inspect you I have to meet you in game and interact with you, and quite likely have a conversation if you’re applying to a raid. Just another social interaction.

If we have an armory: I don’t need to meet you in game, I don’t need to speak to you at all. Just another anonymous interaction.

If you want faceless, anonymous game play, play retail, join your queue, get raider io’d and have fun with all that.

Armory was in Vanilla. In order to access it you must travel to scarlet monastery


Speak for yourself, it means I can speak with someone over discord when they’re on break at work or just unable to be on at that moment, if having armory removes all the social interaction for you then that is squarely a YOU problem

Even tho this thread is 90000000 ages old, I like you.

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Nearly a 1 month Necro, just to name and shame.

Sounds like a YOU problem though doesn’t it.

We have no armory and I don’t have a problem.

So you’re admitting your previous stance of how it’d “kill social interaction” was complete BS? Good, glad we could come to an agreement on that point.

No, I’m not agreeing with it. Classic forces social interaction by restricting the API.

Just because you, mr discord, might speak to your dudebros in discord, doesn’t mean everyone else won’t use classicIO to auto armory if it existed.

So have fun doing things the old fashioned way.