Armor pot nerf gets a F from me dog

That’s the thing you don’t seem to understand… There is no way its “intended to be played.” They design the sandbox, we play in it. Within those parameters anything goes. I’m sorry you’re so upset about it but thats more a reflection on yourself than anything else

Just because some sweatlords figured something out 15 years after it was relevant doesn’t mean that was the open-ended design. It was just an oversight and was not a thing back in the day. Unholy DK’s in actual Wrath used 2-handers and were godly without this idiot-level spam the bloodboil build. We’re playing a bastardized version of this game. It’s like the neckbeard degenerates who came up with “Snake-weaving” it’s dumb and should be nuked from orbit but it wont be because Blizzard does not care about Classic.

You don’t seem to understand what “open-ended design” means. Creatively finding new ways to push dps etc is exactly what makes MMO’s fun and interesting. It sounds like you’re looking for something a lot more basic since you’re not good enough to figure these things out yourself. Maybe “Hello Kitty Island Adventure” is more your speed?

Right-o. You can play a boring degenerate build in a 15 year old game you’re an elite gamer.

Naw. I’m just stable enough to not need to throw a tantrum over what other people do in a 15 year old game. Its a game. It sounds like maybe you need to get some perspective. Maybe go outside and touch some grass or something?

Can’t stop responding to me sounds like that comment could apply to either of us.

It’s 10:30 on a Tuesday. I’ve got time to throw down a couple quick posts. The point is youre nerdraging over how other people are playing their specs based on some entirely non-existent standards you made up. Get over it or play a different game.

Btw the current unholy dk moth spec has only been around for 3-4 months. YouTuber wille even confirms this in a video with Sarthe and krix stating that even on private server people didn’t figure out the unholy stuff until recent because on private servers the haste wasn’t stacking fully on gargoyles.

So gaming for 15 years bro? Pass a swig of that copium please………

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