I kind of miss the gritty “realistic” look of older mogs and models, cause all the new armor pieces (to me) feel really cartoony and just ridiculous. Idk if it’s the color pallet or just the design that bothers me, but every time we get new armor they look really plastic to me, like something a fan made for a cosplay contest. Maybe they’re too smooth and polished, but personally I love weapons and armors that have a detailed and textured look to them, as if they would actually be used in a fight.
and I’m also getting sick and tired of the ridiculous shoulders we get. like I found some cool looking appearances in thorgast and when I clicked to preview they we’re literally floating above my actual shoulders. we keep getting these huge shoulders with spikes that collide with our faces, and I know wow has always had this thing with giant shoulders but it gets to a point where bigger is just not better, we gotta tone it down a bit or allow us to edit their size or something. What do you folks think?
Classic era cloth transmogs are some of my favorite. Like you said, they look pretty realistic. A lot of cloth transmogs look like something you’d actually wear IRL, like blue jeans or chest pieces that look like shirts (without needing to use an actual shirt slot).
The lack of detail does a good job of grounding the pieces in reality. I recently found out Shadowlands has a pair of mat-black pants that come from the the Death’s Advance exalted reputation Necrolords covenant ensemble. Picked up the rep grind again on my rogue just to get my hands on those pants. I think the only other pair of pure black pants come from the Noble Garden event and possibly the heroic priest pants from the Ny’alotha raid.
I’m generally not a fan of shoulders on a lot of armor specializations because of their ridiculous bulk. Either that or they end up being too small on some races.
I’d love to see some updated armor models for a good ol’ pair of cuffed brown boots, some day.
Things would be perfect if the equipment were scaled well / scalable. Even more fantasy-like shoulders and weapons would look halfway feasible, but the size totally throws it off.
Apparently I think about transmog more than my friends. During the latest WoD timewalking event, my friend got the Rivet-Sealed Breastplate to drop and I was gushing about how jealous I was since that breastplate is like the perfect representation of a low-fantasy plate chest piece.
The way it just guards the chest regardless of gender, the brown leather straps keeping it together. I could totally see a blacksmith or low-level adventurer transmog using a piece like this and they were just like “oh, yeah, I guess.”
It’s both. Stylistically they are very nice with the higher-ish res textures extra pollys, but I know exactly what you mean. I think the real problem is the scale of armor/weapons. And it’s always been a ridiculous eyesore to me.
I mean if you’re intentionally looking for the most garish and also clashing colors, they will look bad, but proportionally speaking they are still superior. With updated textures and polygons they will look infinitely better than a combination of clashing pieces today.