Armor and overall art style

I’m not sure about this, warrior Tier 0 through 3 are some of my favorite sets but look out of place sometimes on newer models or in new zones with wildly different art styles. I like the older designs And also like how detailed some armor got as time went on so it’s a mixed bag.

I will say that I hate alot of armor with moving pieces or bright light spewing out of it.

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or just when you forget to transmog

How about a full set?

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The banana knight

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I was just about to say that. Oh ye olde Naner Knight!

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These screencaps are giving me traumatic flashbacks to getting the Giantstalker’s Armor pieces in the day.

HYOOGE shoulderpads, a short-sleeved belly shirt, and chaps for pants.

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Those screenshots are not just people forgetting to transmog either. That was before transmog.

That’s what peoples characters looked like all the time.



Oh my god. You wanna talk about running track record for worst armor designs Hunters are at the top.


The age before cataclysm

I didn’t look like that.

Yeah, I also agree with gear being too pretentious. Though old gear as well. Rogue carrying huge shoulderpads and things that a class that wants to sneak shouldn’t be using…

But Blizz adds thematic gear most of the time. Would be cool also some normal gear. Almost every faction leader look pretty cool without otherworldly looking gear.

Not all sets are bad, however. Seems to be Blizzard’s style.

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Only thing I would prefer is that we get consistent color palettes across xpacs. Like the copper/brass/brown stylings from each expansion are all a few shades different. They look great with their respective sets but makes mixing them hard.

The clipping issue is because wow has more model variance in playable characters than pretty much anything else mainstream. The most infuriating thing about vulpera is that model is technically smaller, so my vision is lower, so I get these los errors on door of shadows or heroic leap or whatever all the time when my elf toons have no issue with it.

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I’d like to see some of the shoulders look less like “got tangled in the underbrush and killed” or " got all these spikes and bars caught in a door and died" and more like “nope can’t cut my head off” or “this shoulder slam is going to hurt! …”.
I’d also like to see some more red sets or truer blues … or even some “Oh shoot me now” whites just some truer colors and more of it.
been here for just over 2 years and all the outfits seem to be grey , greyish, greyer, blue sort of, brown , browner , PINK!(but just one or two items , mismatched of course, and Purple, purplish , kind of purple along with green lots of green can put my hunter in green more green and some green … would really like to see some FRESH takes on styles and colors .

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This xpac has not been good with armor models/art in my opinion. But it’s the theme that throws it off for me. I love the Maldraxxus Plate, the Torghast replicas, and the Venthyr Leather.

Aside from that…Bring me back to Wrath/Cata time period please lol

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I just wish there was more variety with the Covenant gear palette swaps. There are only a few tolerable examples.


If your shoulders look like mobile platforms for launching military aircraft they are too damn big!

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Stop kink shaming

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I was not aware we all wore spray on clothes in RL?

I don’t … can’t afford the price of the eye care and mental issues care for anyone unlucky enough to see the real me in spray on clothes >shudders< not to mention it’s snowing/sleeting where I live .

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Bro… back in vanilla I looked like Bozo the Clown threw up on me . Get outta here with this.

:clown_face: :face_vomiting: