[A]<RIP in Peace> 6/10 M is recruiting raiders or interested in co-raiding with another guild for the rest of the tier


We are currently having some attendance problems and our raid is on life support. We have always had recruitment issues, because our guild normally recruits exclusively from the 4chan World of Warcraft General thread, but we have been largely satisfied with our pace this tier, and have a number of skilled and dedicated raiders with a strong desire to complete this tier. As stated in the title, we are open to individual applicants or combining rosters with another guild for the rest of the tier. Feel free to post here or add me on btag Tide#1713 if you’re interested.

We are open to any role, but have priority on ranged DPS and tank. I have been tanking due to roster issues, but I think another tank would serve the raid better in my place.

I’m interested. Resto Druid main. Our raid team just collapsed. I’m looking for a home to complete the tier. I’m also working on a resto shaman.

Mavri#11700 if interested