Argument against TBC ? ANYONE

Lol. You blatantly say that my opinion is wrong.

Its like arguing with a 15 year old that knows everything

OH look… another person that thinks calling people a kid or a 15 year makes them look all big and bad online…

You feel good now? Bullying much?

Pretty much everyone who wants this has a different idea of what it should be.

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The game developers did that on purpose. They saw what happened when people who cleared high end raids went and dominated in the BGs in vanilla. They wanted to appeal to the PVP community who doesn’t raid and were angry about having to raid just to be able to compete on an even playing field.

Resilience was the great equalizer and truly separated the men from the boys in terms of the PVP meta. I thought it was a brilliant change that really revitalized the PVP aspect of the game as a whole. Now it wasn’t a faceroll with raid gear anymore…it was either Lrn2play or get rekt.

There’s nothing that says you can’t swap gear sets to do both. You just have to respec accordingly as well

and there is the problem… people complain about TBC going forward in a couple years… and then come up with no solution that anyone can get behind so hide behind a “classic+” mantra to beat the drum…

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In a nutshell, The Classic+ crowd is everyone who likes Classic but isn’t happy with it AS IS, and so they want to make changes to it. The changes that have been proposed are quite vast…a veritable laundry list of changes/features that drastically alter the game such as adding retail QoL features like the barbershop, transmog, AoE looting, multitag mobs, etc. But they also want Classic+ to replace the expansions entirely and branch off in a different direction with more Classic style content. No raising of the level cap, and more dungeons/raids. They want to have horizontal progression, not vertical. No flying, no LFG tool, no CRZ, etc.

NONE of it appeals to me in the slightest, and Blizzard isn’t likely to spend the time/effort/money developing new content for a version of their game that is 15 years old, not to mention the fact that they can’t make good content anymore to begin with, so even if they tried they would just butcher it and piss a lot of people off in the process…That and the fact that it would be splitting the focus of dev teams between that and retail, which would only hurt the game as a whole, and without plenty of people playing retail, it will die, and Classic will die right along with it

Here give this one a read…I found many of the comments by the OP to be extremely misguided, arrogant, ignorant, misinformed, and often times hilarious

You are correct of course… LOL at people actually believing Bliz has the ability much less the aptitude to make some sort of classic+ and not screw it up is hilarious.

Ya… well I stopped reading after the first 8 words of that dudes post… never mind he cant spell… but spitting the fallacy that flying killed world PVP when hardly anyone had flying until way into max level because of the costs is just idiotic…

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TBC and WRATH have already been played to death…

LOL this one too…Like Vanilla wasn’t either??? Hellooooooooo…Private servers?? Massively popular…What a moron

And many of them always bring up OSRS because it apparently is the greatest thing to happen to the game like sliced bread IRL and they seem to think it would work here in WoW…like seriously? OK sure let’s just open the option for changes to the game to a vote…and let everyone including people who play retail to vote. Classic+ would be doomed to fail if that were to happen

That idea just won the dumbest idea on the internet for 09/24/19

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Exactly…and what I have to say to them is this…

If you were on board with the #nochanges crowd when Classic began it’s inception, then it’s VERY hypocritical of you to propose ANY changes to the game regardless as to whether or not it is kept separate from Classic. It is ALSO very hypocritical for you or anyone else in favor of Classic+ to deny TBC/Wrath from everyone else when retail people did the SAME thing regarding Classic in the Wall of NO threads in the old forums. You people are literally doing the exact same thing and are too blind to see it

The hypocrisy is real :roll_eyes:

There is no way you can claim factually that the subs are a result of no flight. Correlation does not imply causation.

We’re still in phase 1 and majority of the posters in this thread are not even 60.

Stop having panic attacks over the potential of TBC

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I wouldn’t be opposed to adding some BC servers with a one-way transfer policy.

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I have no interest in my Classic server being changed to a TBC server. Outland is probably my least favorite continent in the history of WoW, and I’ve had my fill of it while leveling alts in Retail over the years.

However, I have no problems with new TBC servers being created for those who want that version of the game. Will that pull some people off of Classic servers? Sure, but those same people probably would’ve just quit Classic eventually anyway.

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Easy. Arenas.

In before people who don’t like arenas thinks saying “arenas” as a con is an actual counter to TBC. Damn casuals.

Nah, druids went from jack of all trades master of none to jack of all trades master of all.

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I remember when people said the same thing about Classic…

Do you people ever listen to yourselves??? :roll_eyes::joy: Like does it ever dawn on you, that you’re now the “Wall of No”?

It is ALSO very hypocritical for you or anyone else in favor of Classic+ to deny TBC/Wrath from everyone else when retail people did the SAME thing regarding Classic in the Wall of NO threads in the old forums.

Oh damn, this is rich! :joy: You can have your TBC servers once they do Classic +, you guys can wait your turn.

How do YOU know what the majority" wants? LOL.

Oh you don’t.

You guys can have your TBC servers when you get 250k sigs and you have a huge PS…

Until then, we should get Classic + when the phases are done with.