Argent Conscript Transmog not Account Wide?

See title. I’ve mogged over the Argent Conscript pieces I got and they are bound to me (no 2hr tradable countdown warning) but I don’t see them as transmog options on my alts. Is this intended?


I noticed the same thing. Not only are pieces unlocked on alliance not granting the comparable horde armor for that armor type, but same-faction characters of the same armor type cannot use appearances unlocked by other characters.

I’m assuming at this point, especially with the same-faction issues, that this is a bug. Traditionally, especially with pre-launch event unlocks, the appearances are unlocked cross-faction, whether it’s the same appearance, or a faction specific appearance wityh an alternate design for the opposing faction.

Yeah my Ret pally has unlock three pieces so far and my Prot pally (hey I like Pallies) can’t see the Argent Conscript’s armor at the transmogrifer.

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I also just noticed it, when I tried to look for the items I got from my ally DK on my warrior.

I do hope it is just a bug, as I was really looking forward to collecting them for mog purposes.

Yeah it’s going to absolutely suck having to try and put in the time to get 4 sets on both sides.

Edit: Looks like something changed tonight? It’s now showing up on all of my characters and Horde side as well.

It looks like you’re probably seeing one of the “Honorbound Combatant’s” horde faction sets (counterpart to alliance’s 7th Legion sets)

The Argent Conscript sets share the same model, with very slight color difference. If you look at the appearances tab, and right click the item in question, it will show you a li st of all the items you’re unlocked that appearance from. Unless it specifically lists “Argent Conscript’s ___”, it’s not actually the Shadowlands Pre-Launch event set.

I just checked mine, and my all the plate pieces unlocked with my warrior, are shown as a separate item from the other 7th Legion pieces (because the color is slightly different) but they don’t show for my alliance DK, and likewise my Horde warrior shows pieces similar to the Horde version of the Argent Conscript’s set, but they are all from the “Honorbound Combatant’s” sets. The subtle differences in the models are most easily noticed on the belts.

Also if you’re using an addon such as All The Things, visiting the event vendor on any of the characters you haven’t specifically unlocked the Argent Conscript’s gear one, will show most of the appearances as unlearned. The chest, helm, and shoulders seem to be the only pieces which share a match with other items, in both model and color.

Yeah, I was just coming here to see if anyone else was having this problem, my alliance priest and mage weren’t seeing the stuff the other had bought.

Same issue. I’m mixing what I buy on my priest and mage. Can’t see the hands on priest when I bought them on mage.

I’m also having this problem with all of my characters. This must be a bug of some sort, because there’s no way they would let this sort of thing happen… right?

Edit: I’ve managed to make some appear for some other characters by right-clicking and hitting ‘add to collection’, which I believe is a Better Wardrobe feature.

If you’re having trouble getting any pieces of the Argent Conscript’s transmog to stay learned after purchasing them, try this:

Drop the pieces of gear into your Void Storage and then log out. This kicks the system in the butt and forces it to read those items as being learned.

The Horde variant also unlocks the Alliance’s variant as well, as long as you purchase the Argent Conscript piece of gear and not any lookalikes (like the PvP gear or crafted stuff)

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This is kind of a cascade of “working” and “not working.” Items were not shown as transmoggable on any other character than they ones who purchased initially. I favorited all items and they were able to be seen by the same faction. The bracer, glove, belt, pants, and boots showed up on both factions, but nothing else, however the cross faction ones were not favorited. I spent some gold to unlock void storage to test this, and the chest and shoulder work, but the cloak is still unknown cross-faction. I didn’t purchase the head since I looted a better item from a rare and it said my appearance was already “learned by other items” but it is still not seen cross-faction, while usually whatever was learned via PVP activities has been able to be seen as a cross-faction equivalent in the past for me. I would really like the cloak to work and for these cross-faction items to be seen since I was hoping to only do one character per armor class. I will unlock void storage on more characters and try to unlock all “already learned by another appearance” items, but these all seem like costly time and gold workarounds for something that is probably supposed to work?

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Here’s an interesting discovery to tack on some additional information - I still can’t see the cloak cross-faction on cloth or mail despite all the potential workarounds, but I somehow have the horde and alliance leather cloak appearance named “argent conscript’s cloak” despite never obtaining the leather cloak on any character. It doesn’t seem to share an appearance with anything else and is specifically named with an “argent” title. I think there is something mixed up on the backend with how the appearances are linked. I checked and do not have the plate cloak appearance (which I have not learned).

Additionally, the only way to gain the cross-faction appearance (in my case, the helm) from an item that I had already learned the appearance from a different item (which usually automatically gives a cross-faction equivalent but didn’t in these cases) was to buy that specific item (either faction, even if I “had the appearance” on the faction I bought it from) and put it in void storage.

I also discovered logging out and logging onto the character who originally learned the appearances, triggers the client to update their entry, resolving this.

Doing this also allows the opposite faction characters to access their counterpart appearances.

Hmm, I’m glad it worked for you! It is possibly bugged for some people and not others, then. I have logged in and out several times prior to my initial posts and workarounds and still don’t have the cross-faction cloth cloak.

Edit: I just bought it again, on the other faction, so I don’t miss out on getting it.

The cloaks seem very inconsistent on this. I’m hoping I don’t need to power level some characters to finish them. I have the cloth cloak on an Alliance character but it’s not visible Horde. Likewise, I have the mail cloak on a Horde character but it’s not visible to the Alliance. Even more so, I have the Plate Cloak unlocked on a Horde character and no Alliance Plate characters I have are max level to be able to buy it, but the cloak is visible for all my Plate.

I’m working on Leather tomorrow, I’m hoping they’ll fix themselves.

Hopefully they will fix this, though I don’t think they ever fixed the issue of those Winter Veil faction-specific toys not unlocking for both factions on a single character.

I don’t know if they’ll ever fix this issue.