Arfus is massively disrespectful towards your players and their time

The flag button need to be reworked on these forums its being treated like a thumbs down button.

And people on these forums needs to grow up.


Because gear that changes how your character plays is obviously the same as a cosmetic that is only going to see use until the next new thing arrives.

Time Rifts have mounts from the last boss + vendor option. If you’ve bad luck with the boss, you can grind the event for the item.


 the gear isn’t what people are talking about. They’re talking about the massive amount of mounts and pets on the vendors for high amounts of Flakes if it doesn’t drop from the event bosses.

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That’s the kind of goals that should be implemented in game, if you’ve bad luck then you’re doing progress for a side bad luck protection mechanic, specially for limited time events.

I think RNG has its place but you need to count the factor between Drop % and amount of attempts + FUN that’s the most important factor for a game.


FF14 is dead?

Back to my original point: this whole “disrespectful of players time” is nonsense, only there to get a reaction and you know it.

Feel this like I got the ground mount from Firelands ages ago whilst doing the legendary staff quest and more recently whilst doing Firelands on my DK for Transmog managed to get it again TWICE.

Like wish they’d make event and rare legacy drops tradable like like that black market thing exists so can’t claim being able to buy it with real money via wow tokens minimises the “achievement” of being super lucky.

NOW everyone suddenly cares about the flag button being used as a downvote. Lol shocking.

yup, been dead. its month of popularity has long passed my friend.

Yea i feel its about time for this tbh for all mounts and pets and what not from rares or solofarming old raids and dungeons for mounts. The game is 20 years old, we are tired of it. Have we not earned some mercy by now? Stop with the 1 % or less items or add bad luck protection for all those things

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Huh. I guess nobody told PC Gamer then:

Kind of weird for a dead mmo to keep investing in server upgrades and now about to stress test cloud based servers as well lol.

ah yes, a blog post by a random content writer. how convincing.

i guess you didnt see how crap their servers were before. upgrading from the worst servers available to the 2nd worst servers available isnt the flex you think it is.

But you said its a dead mmo. If its dead, why would they invest all of that money to upgrade the servers lol?

About as convincing as a rando forum poster with zero achieves on this forum.

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Jesus, OP

I swear modern wow players are something else

Btw I got arfus day one, saddle day two, and the mount day 3.

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No. It’s not. Because I agree. We’ve been asking for vendor BLP for this stuff for ages. And all they did was double down on low RNG bs. So yeah, it IS disrespectful.

Don’t like that? Too bad. It’s how some people feel. They’re allowed to. Deal with it.


Those 2 things are unrelated. OP included that because they knew it would result is more traction for the thread, that’s it. It doesn’t matter whether or not you agree with it, that’s why it’s there.

And frankly, it worked. Good to see that someone who (judging by past roles), should be held to a higher standard, is learning from trolls.

I agree it’s disrespectful and the OP said it’s disrespectful.

What are you even on about? It’s not “unrelated.” It’s what I’ve literally been griping about IN THE SAME WORDS to my friends.

Seriously, get over it. I’ll repeat this one last time:

I suggest you mute this thread and stop derailing it just to whine about how you’re triggered by particular word usage from someone you hate.

Hold your personal grudge somewhere else please. I won’t indulge it further to devolve this thread into more nitpicking just to try to justify false flagging so that you can try to get it deleted.