[A]Ret Pally LF weekend or early morning raiding

I was 3/10 m CN and AOTC after joining late last tier. My current guild is deciding to become casual.

I’ve been on and off since classic and have multiple alts.

Looking for Friday -Sunday or early morning weekdays. I work 5pm - 4am Monday to Thursday so any other time is fine.

Hey Buddy!

We raid Fridays/Saturdays 9pm-12 CST.
We have an optional alt clear on Thursdays from 8-11 which you obviously wouldn’t be able to make.

We were 10/10H 3/10M
We are 10/10N 4/10H SoD

Would love the opportunity to chat!
Btag- Dev#1185
Discord- CasualDev#5323

Added your discord! Thanks