Only addons I need are a threat meter and something that tells the raid if my or other hunter tranq shot misses.
I mean, you don’t need spices on your food to eat it, but many people prefer theirs not to be bland
Atlas is a built in thotbot, ktm/omen is a threat meter required for not dying from over aggro and honorspy references everyone you encounters hks per week and yours and creates a list of rank to determine how much pvp rank you can gain that week.
All of which were in vanilla very early.
I hate the way retail plays. I hate how easy it is and how it holds your hand in pretty much every way possible while presenting little to no challenge up until mythic and mythic+…
That being said, people who think that Classic without addons is REAL Classic are dunces. If you dont want to run with addons, dont. The ones that existed in Classic did not damage the game or the experience, you’re remembering it fondly and want it back. I’m one of those people that like to customize the look of my UI, and like the smaller addons that make me feel comfortable playing the game.
Arguing that they should remove addons is selfish and stupid, and would damage the experience of a large percentage of the playerbase. There are also addons out there that improve the quality of life of disabled players, who may rely on certain addons to make the game playable for them. You arent thinking and I’m glad your opinions dont matter and carry no weight.
And how do you think retail GOT to the way it is now? It didn’t happen overnight. It happened because addons, community and developers all made mistakes. The removal of handholding addons is just a single step in curving the future of Classic wow for the better. They can always add them in at a later phase if they want, launch shouldn’t have hand holding addons AT ALL. DBM, QuestHelper, LFG, Threatmeters, etc.
You heard the lady, bring back the auto-dispel addon!
Didn’t cleansing totem handle that? For YEAAAARS? Why dispel spam in Naxx when you could have a sham? XD
That’s what I’m playing! Free AFK raids here I come!!
Pretty sure it pulsed, and wasn’t spot removal. There were some debuffs that needed to be removed right away. It was a water totem (so it took the spot of Mana Spring/Healing Tide which was vastly more useful), and only pulsed every 5 seconds and for only one person… and it only did it four times. It also had a radius so it wasn’t very good.
Playing the game ‘stock’, ie no interface changes, no addons, is the purest form of classic.
Oh, definitely. I just will be eager to get rid of those stupid griffons on the vanilla UI.
To you maybe, many of us had addons from the first day we played, the base UI is extremely inefficient
Think there is a joke about it in twilight highlands with teaming up with a shaman and druid, the shaman says something like ‘Wish they didn’t remove cleansing totem… not like anyone stood in it anyway.’
Explains a lot. Try acclimating to a world where you aren’t spoon fed everything. Put down the dora the explorer games and play some dark souls.
Dark Souls isn’t a very hard game. It’s about pattern recognition, patience, and learning from mistakes. It doesn’t actually take that much mechanical and individual skill to beat. Just to beat it quickly, and also while putting penalties on yourself like SL1 runs.
Yes, because having your target info, buffs and debuffs, and multiple action bars out of the way for no reason other than blizzards bad UI building totally makes the game.
I play plenty of games without addons, blizzards UI is just subpar
I didn’t say it was difficult, I referenced it in opposition to a game that holds your hand through the story. I’m saying that if you can’t manage to level in WoW without an Addon, or raid without and addon, then you shouldn’t be allowed to play.
im gunna ban you
That’s… not actually true though. Raiding is one thing (though threat meters and some pretty awful mechanics like Paladin blessings are a pain), but leveling isn’t very clear. Not only is there nothing to tell you where to go, you sometimes have to cross the entire world and also there’s no indicator you shouldn’t be somewhere until you’re there. There’s nothing wrong with asking individuals for help, nor looking it up.
I don’t like quest addons myself, but if people want to use it, fine.
I remember using coordinates and an arrow marker back then but not sure if it was Tomtom or something else. memory a bit fuzzy but we always had addons