Arena Starting With Broken Wrong CC/DR tables

PLEASE BLIZZ. It’s so annoying for Charge as a gap closer / interrupt to immediately DR actual stuns.

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I’m sure there are real hardware/software differences and reasons that can somewhat explain why a few people can run a private server better than some Blizzard servers function. Does that completely excuse it? Hell no.

I will add that passion is a hell of a drug too. Those people running those private servers are still in love with the game. They still play the game. These boys at Blizzard? Ha

WoW Classic player base: “Blizzard, help plz? We need you.”

Blizzard: “I don’t even know who you are.”


I mean true but it all comes back to how incompetent blizzard is at hiring proper people and other things. I mean can some of the private server people just apply and work for blizzard already? Lol

Charge has always DR’d with other stuns even in every pserver that I played, which were carbon copies of the game’s hijacked code. In vanilla charge also DR with intercept. Every vanilla pserver interacted this way as well otherwise a warrior can charge > MS+AA > step away > intercept > AA > AA for free

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Yet it really hasn’t because it’s a gap closer not a controlled stun. Which is why it wasn’t put on the DR stun table till patch 4.0.6. However Charge remained off the DR table for Prot warriors because of warbringer talent. It’s literally fact and in any DR table and patch notes you want to look at.

I linked when Charge was put on the DR table and here are 2 sources there listing the entire history of Charge and the exact patch notes of when it was changed in these links. It’s very well documented and well yea, I have played with every iteration of charge.

I’m PRETTY SURE it doesn’t. I know 100% in WOTLK Charge is totally on it’s own DR table when warriors get Juggernaut in S6 talent rework and beyond, but TBC is stretching my memory slightly.

DRs were messy / horrible / long CC durations in Classic, so I’m really hard pressed to believe that they would’ve gone to the trouble to try and balance it so that you couldn’t Charge into a full stun when Kidney has it’s own thing in Classic TBC for sure.

The reason they may have changed this in Cata by the way for anyone curious has to do with being able to spec Charge to be a longer stun somehow. I don’t remember if it was a glyph or what but there was some way at least temporarily in either Cata or MoP that allowed you to have like a 3 second Charge stun, I think it was after Intercept removal. Warriors had Charge + Intercept + Leap at the very start of Cata but then they took away Intercept and replaced it with some kind of glyph or something for Charge so that warriors didn’t just have infinite mobility. In TBC however Charge is only the 1 second stun and in Wrath (S6+) it becomes 1.5 second to help with Charge jumping lag.

It doesn’t, I have the patch notes right there and have played warrior TBC to BFA. I am aware of every iteration of charge. Eventually they made Charge have a root instead of stun because you can’t have charge stun DR your main stun.

A warrior buddy and I would would charge stun targets after Stun DR since charge doesn’t have a DR. Literally played it.

To play devils advocate if Charge stun was added to the DR table in 4.06 then when wasn’t it on the DR table? Exactly it wasn’t on there in TBC. Charge was unchanged till 4.0.6.

Yep, big part of why I quit midway through first Legion season. Charge root felt horrible. Funny too cause that’s when they reworked the animations, Charge has that new shoulder tackle look and yet instead of a pummel or stun effect somehow you hitting them in the upper body with your shoulder roots them lol.


Now that we are talking about Charge root. Keep in mind all roots shared DR except Charge Root. So when they introduced roots to it they carried over that it would have a separate DR since you have to have gap closers on different DR tables.

  • All Roots now share the same DR category.
    • Exception: Roots on Charge types of abilities have no DR category, but have a very short duration instead.

This is in the DR link for anyone wanting to read the different iterations.

The reason they did this is because Charge Stun wasn’t on the DR table since it is a gap closer and gap closers need a CC element to function that can’t DR other CC.

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The root cause of blizzards failure in a nutshell. They obsessively chased after esports for the last 15 years. That downward spiral starting with the introduction of arenas, culminating in increasingly razor thin tuning in 5 man and raid content, to cater to world first and mdi nonsense.


If you’re a sweatlord and have addons that calculate DR perfectly, you would know that the stun from charge is factored in. Even the developers of these addons who have a much deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics understand this.

So you just aren’t going to listen. Got it. I don’t know what else to say. The links showing every iteration of charge is right there for you too read and the patch notes of when Charge was added to the DR table. If that isn’t enough for you, you are trolling. I guess you don’t like facts.

I guess thanks for the bump and hopefully we can fix everything that is currently wrong on the CC/DR table. There are a lot of bugs out there. We can get this done, really wish they didn’t use Retails client. Lets not derail the thread and focus on the facts and patch notes.

This is very recent sentiment TBH, I don’t get where it’s coming from, MDI I suppose?? I remember being pretty upset at how slow Blizzard was progressing WoW arena as an e-sport back in the day. They put on a couple of good tournaments and man the old TBC / WRATH armory page was awesome and a lot more detailed than what we get for ladder charts / character pages today, but it seemed like they quickly fell behind or lost interest in the esport thing. They publicly trashed PvP and arena a couple of times to the point where it became a meme after awhile, not only WoW team devs but even D3 “shut up PvP guy”, but much earlier they talked about arena regrets. I feel like they never did the best job of embracing it and working it into the game.

So no, I don’t think they ever obsessively chased esports. This isn’t Riot games.

Lol kind of a red herring, these addon devs are just responding to what they’re seeing the DRs as NOW in beta etc., or in the case of PS according to PS testing. So if there’s a mistake in recreation of original data, then they’re just going off of what’s currently in front of them. That really shouldn’t be validation at all for your thesis.

Posting random links is what got us into this honor deficit debacle by the infamous andycloud. After that incident now I truly realize people are just as misinformed as they were back then.

It’s official Patch notes. It’s actual documented historical fact. Again thanks for the bump but not gonna feed ya anymore.

I also in my original post asked for other players to link official Patch notes of what isn’t working correctly for their class. Lets stick to the facts.


I would like to add that Charge Stun was taken back off the DR stun table in Patch 4.1 since they realized how important it is mechanically and for team play to be on separate stun tables. So the Charge stun on the DR table was short lived since it was a big mistake and they reversed it.

I mean come on guys, it’s in the patch notes.

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This is what I don’t understand. If the DR for charge was removed in patch 4.1, how exactly is it not working as intended then? They even mentioned that for one of the expansions charge was turned to a root. This further reinforces that charge always had DR with other stuns.

I do have you on ignore and am treading carefully because you have to be trolling but will answer this one more time because I was going to bump this thread anyways since a lot is wrong with the DR table.

Charge was off the DR table till 4.0.6 which is where it was added as clearly stated in the patch notes. They then realized adding charge to the DR table was a mistake and thus removed it in 4.1. Since it’s a gap closer it can’t be on a DR table because it screws up gameplay mechanics too much for everyone in a party with a warrior.

Which means since we are in TBC which is way before 4.0.6, Charge shouldn’t be DRing any stuns as it has it’s own stun table that is clearly explained in the patch notes and history of charge notes for DR.

Hopefully we can get some fixes and Devs working on the long list of bugs in TBC so lets keep it constructive.

Again Charge was on the DR stun table from 4.0.6 to 4.1 this isn’t complicated and it’s super well documented. So I can’t fathom what you don’t understand. :face_with_monocle:

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DR was removed from charge because charge was changed to a 1second root in cata because people were jumping the stun.

Don’t confuse him since he doesn’t understand the plain and simple patch notes.

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