Arena scripting

They ban hundreds to thousands of bots every couple weeks and pokemons has yet to see a title on any class this season, so they’re doing a lot of things right.

No, and i said it does exist in the same thread. You know that, because you read it, but you’re choosing to quote that out of context as some sort of pathetic “gotcha”. You’re doubling and tripling down in every reply to other people to try and argue semantics instead of just admitting you’re wrong.

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By implying someone is “crying wolf” you are implying it doesn’t exist. That’s the whole concept of that saying is a boy “crying” about nothing.

Ahh yes, I forgot the part of the story where the little boy cried, “wolf!” And everyone said, “wolves dont exist!”

No, I am not saying or implying that it doesn’t exist and I even said:

To explain my point further.

YOU are the person who is making it seem like scripters are super frequent when, in reality, they’re a rare minority and not preventing anyone from climbing, and they’re certainly not the reason you lose more games than you win.


Glad you understand that that is what you’re doing!

Where did I say any of that?

That’s not the story at all lol but he cried it when it wasn’t happening therefore you are saying I am crying it and it’s not happening. Its so weird people get angry that I want to know why blizzard isn’t doing more…

Blizzard is actively banning them. They provide evidence every couple weeks with the ban waves and you literally see all the high-end exploiters get banned.

Why wouls you stress over something that impacts a fraction of a percent of games?

Speeding accidents occur, but there are already countless laws and signage in place even though they’re an extremely minute fraction of driving experiences. They’re still obviously bad and happen, but you’re out here making it sound like there’s a crash every day on the way to work.

It’s disingenuous doom saying that makes it seem like a problem is significantly bigger or more prevalent than it is. This is a dangerous groupthink mentality that hurts an already vulnerable playerbase.

You are blowing this out of proportion for… no reason lol I simply asked why more is not being done. Yet you are extremely hostile and trying to imply I am “crying wolf”. But anyways I am done replying to you sense you seem to be another person that doesn’t want to have an adult conversation.

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hey brotherman, I am a current cyber security engineer with skillsets across many different avenues and I can tell you scripting is very real. it’s simply knowing what system uses what programming language. the dark web currently provides (and open web) tremendous amounts of unfiltered true data where bad guys can learn these languages in record time. in fact, they will often code you the executable you are looking for or even the restraints the current WoW build provides.

this is common knowledge. you can easily google on a filtered, open web and find bad guys doing bad stuff. don’t let anyone here (some of whom I have permanently ignored because they are just juicing for blizzard whether they agree or like it or not) sway you from that. botting, scripting, automation is in full swing in every industry, system, game you can think of. the only positive thing for Msoft is they have state of the art systems to detect, assess, prove, and action accounts that are doing this stuff.

lastly, most of the time, when these accounts are doing “this” the user is watching in real time so they can take action or intervene if needed to avoid “detection”. I think I’ll end it here but part of my job is to be a step ahead of the bad guys.

if you ever receive weird or awkward friction from any user, whether long time or not, you can logically deduce they are in the know, using, or have used. if not, they are pure ignorant.

not sure what this does to help but I see your replies to these people and I feel it’s wasted energy. just mute them and move on. keep posting, keep reporting, and keep alerting. the best thing you can do is report so it’s on record. whether it gets it’s required assessment time is not your job.


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This seems to only happen sometimes
My fresh unholy dk i just leveled got 2.2k mmr after a 6-0 starting game
my fresh ret paladin however did the same and started at 1650 mmr. it seems very inconsistent

Ya I agree on the inconsistent part haha it’s weird this season

I’m not being hostile, and you are crying wolf. If you’re gonna cry wolf it’s okay for someone to say that you are crying wolf.

You’re also not simply asking why more isn’t being done, you’re making a baseless claim and doing 0 to back it up.

There’s a lot of irony here. I’m responding to and addressing your points in full while you’re only picking and choosing replies to try and send a “gotcha” moment.

Provide your evidence that blizzard isn’t doing anything about it.

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It’s all here idk why you are trying to take the moral high ground. but good luck with that friend.

Not gonna quote all your posts, but you said it yourself.

You can be disingenuous all you want, but you’re not fooling anyone here, brother.


Ok man whatever you need to say i suppose.