Arena scripting

I was simply asking for blizzard to be more on it lol don’t know why people are so upset about it. Kind of suspicious if you ask me.

Because they are as on it as they can.
Blizzard is far from perfect, but if we’re gonna criticize them it should be for the legitimate things they don’t do well, but should; like lack of transparency and infrequent tuning.

Because crying wolf for a problem that doesn’t exist does more harm to participation and the community than anything blizzard does, and that impacts everyone negatively.

No, but every time someone makes a dumb post about botting or scripters, it makes people feel that the problem is bigger than it is and fewer and fewer people play which spirals into a negative self-fulfilling prophecy.

The forums have little enough credit as-is and dumb boogeyman posts don’t make it better.


yea buddy cus u no personal xp

They haven’t fixed ele shaman sense season 2. They aren’t on anything lol

Are you claiming scripting doesn’t exists?

I can confirm that it’s 2k+. Feel free to review how many RSS lobbies I’ve done on this toon this xpac. Did a couple RSS for conquest yesterday and was over 2k.

Hell, I went 1-5 my first match and was still over 2k my second queue.

you had some carry over from last season.

I literally did not. I did like 1300 season 1 and haven’t played since. lol

You are showing zero rating in SS so you haven’t done any this season. Why come in here and lie?

Welcome to the arena forums

Is this like a troll routine that I’m missing? Literally shows 271 as Holy. lol

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Welcome to the arena forums

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On check pvp is shows nothing. and you did one round so you didn’t check till after obviously.

I don’t care enough to make an Imgur, but you can look at the armory under this toon showing 2 games played. lol

Also, finding it ironic that I’m the only person in history that’s ever had to defend being 271 rating.


Healer mmr is super juiced rn. My dk started at 1800, my disc that’s never been higher than like 1600 started at 1950, also went 2-4 twice and was still 1942.

Who asked you to defend 271 rating? We were talking about MMR btw.

Ah, maybe that’s his issue–I don’t know what DPS MMRs start at.

You did.

You claimed I had only played one round, when it’s 2. Also, do you not know how to pull up your scoreboard to see what you’re playing at while the game is going on?


Please read everything. :slight_smile:

Meh, I’m kind of tired of it now. Anyway, I’m above 2k MMR on this Priest and don’t play RSS to have my MMR buffed from last season, so I guess just continue to find it impossible I guess. lol

Idk why you are so agro bud lol we are simply having a conversation and you are the only one that seems to disagree. Maybe come back when you decide to have an adult conversation :slight_smile:

Agro? I keep providing you with evidence against your claims. Not sure how that’s me being mad. lol