Arena scripting

Blizzard knows about this why is it not being fixed?

there is no scripting

Ur not running into a scripters at 1600, hope this helps!


The bg forums are that way :point_right: :point_right: you’re posting on the wrong forum

Tbf even scripters have to start somewhere, at some point they to are at 1600.

Also they do massive ban waves of scripters every few months. Then they put their game on sale so all the scripters buy another copy and start scripting again so they can rinse and repeat in another 6 months. Its all about the $$$$$

you’re… and do you think scripters just start at 2100 or something?

you start at 2099 without doing anything, so yeah

well, that’s so incorrect I’m not even going to bother arguing with you haha

No like 2ksomething is starting mmr right now in shuffle due to inflation.

it’s 1800 and its normally 1600.

This take is so incredibly fried. You can think of scripting as being a +400 to +800 cr. You do in fact run into scripters at 1600, they are just absolutely dog-water at the game.


Was gonna say that. There is even scripters hard stuck low elo league just like aim botters in over watch low elo.

Some people cheating dont know how to position well and w key at opponents to their own demise thinking script alone can carry.

In some situations yes but not always

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I could have sworn it was higher since last season was 1800 and it appeared to have rolled over. I will need to check on a spec I have no previous mmr on.

i think it was rolled over at first then they fixed it or something.

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ah ok that makes sense then

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This season is a mess at best lol

Just ran first shuffle on Ele that hasn’t been level cap since bfa.

Starting mmr was 1818


1818 wtf haha so weird

Beware Tom Jumbogrumbo

Video or it didn’t happen. Yes, scripters/botters exist, yes it’s a problem, but it’s frequently punished/banned and 99% of the time someone thinks it’s a bot it’s just a person playing normally.

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