Arena Ratings

Let’s scheme this a little. Assume I’m the better of the two players. I have a 80 Paladin, a 70 Hunter, a 70 Warlock, and a 60 DK. He has a 80 Warrior and 70 Shaman. What’s the best combo we can make that is double DPS?

uh dk/arms war is actually a real comp too that can work with that; there’s an r1 warrior named Dekel who was playing it successfully this season


Pretty sure you are the one trolling or your reading comprehension is abysmal.

You’re 1500 rated and a green parser.

Keep telling me how good classic players are.

Try re-reading the comment if you aren’t getting it. I can’t help you.

Sure thing Frosstfire.

Not to rain on your parade, but drinknblink posts on their main … whereas you sit behind level 10 alts and claim you’re a god tier player with nothing to back it up outside of your font on a forum.

And before you go try wagging a finger in my direction for posting on a retail toon … I’m the only Zachaios in classic and not hard to find.

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You are right, I made a post about this bug.

I ain’t ever scared.

Cowards gotta hide.

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10 char

Ele lock is good, but I think hpal/warr is always going to be the easiest thing with the highest success chance.


How do you play this? I played this comp for 20 games or so and every game is so long. We had 3 games end in a draw after 50 min, and our average game was 20+ min. Like you eventually win against arms/holy since you can purge plea but my god it’s so boring.


i’m not saying these comps are easy at high rating or are played by morons (your words not mine), just that they seem fun to play at all brackets and relatively straightforward

i think the ladder is deflated because people hate the wrath arena gameplay/meta compared to tbc. i know several arena buds who unsubbed and more who are thinking of quitting or just gave up pushing

Depends on who you fight.

Ele root is strong vs hpally/war and hpally/dk and you both go together and charge hpally all game while just rooting the dps and purging freedom off the dps so you can root again later.

You as the hpally plea when you’re about to miss the mana that plea gives back, and your shaman just plays a bit defensive with stoneclaw and roots while still nuking their hpally.

You should always win vs a hpally team because you can purge their plea, so you will win the mana fight.

Also help the ele kill on hoj go, excorsism/holy shock will do like 4k and it helps secure the kill.

You typically just win off mana.

Well there’s your problem


That comp simply wont work against much. That’s definitely the problem here.

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very slowly climbing in 2s, playing as lock. was your rating a few weeks ago, am now 1.2k. It’s doable but requires some effort

your paladin? you should have it easy unless you are playing ret/hunter

I thought they fixed this. If not I’m going from ele/destro to aff/resto haha

Enhance/ret or preg

You would :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: