Arena participation is low; some suggestions to address the problem

I could swear they want this to fail sometimes.

What happened to #NoChanges and how yall hate changes?

I’ve been saying this since the original Wrath. You’re entirely correct but they won’t listen. As you say, small gear disparities have massive snowball effects and fundamentally make the game worse to play for both sides. You can’t play correctly and what you learn from your failures is essentially wrong. This also means it just generally breaks the core loop in any video game of any sort where you fail and then figure out what you did incorrectly and adjust what you’re doing to overcome.

PvE gear aside, which should never be better for PvP in any slot, this is precisely the role gearing should play in RPG PvP. It should be about how you choose to gear, not what gear you have access to.


They’ve done so many changes at this point there’s no point discussing it anymore. The ulduar ilvl changes had a disastrous effect on PvP last season.

If you’re a competitive player you either did ulduar for 252 gear or you quit. There wasn’t any middle ground. They could’ve fixed this by further buffing the PvP gear but they ignored our feedback and shipped it anyway. There was an astonishing 20 ilvl gap between the PvP offset and PvE gear.

Even the current PvP offset should be 252 but at least the 245 is only 13 levels behind.


Now follow me real quick. What if we added arena bots from Blizzard to inflate the amount of games and players xd

This change played a major role in killing a scene that already was hurting in s5. Most comp players don’t want to have to waste the time to find a guild willing to give them 252 weapons or RMT 30k plus(very low side) for them in GDKP. Comp players want to log in and compete. That’s why retail PvP has maintained its popularity so long; the gearing process is streamlined and allows players to focus on improving and pushing rating rather than having to raid weekly hoping for HM drops.

In DF rn 5 hours and you can be full ilvl 437 noob gear. 440 with your 2 crafted pieces. 449/450 at conq cap with crafted. That means in a single day(let’s say 12 hour grind sesh) you can be BiSd out and ready to compete in rated arenas and BGs. This is after spending 4-5 hours boosting to max.

So let’s average that and just say sub 20 hours played to be able to compete at the highest level against the toughest opponents.

Now in Wrath you have to spend probably 10x that just getting to max. Then you get to max and need your gear; so you do BGs for the welfare set. That’s a fast one maybe another 10 hours for full set.

Now you need to find a raid team willing to funnel you the 252 gear you need while simultaneously knowing that you’re only raiding with the intention of PvP. I know a lot of people who fell off in s3/4 because the arena scene was full of glaives and many PvE guilds didn’t wanna dump them onto arena players over their top tank/dps that can use.

So outside of starting a new guild and funneling yourself the gear or running GDKPs every week as RL and stealing it once it finally drops, it’s almost a virtual impossibility that a new player could get BiSd out anyway. Then you look at the actual ladder and it’s 90% plate classes lmao.

There’s just no good news about Wrath Classic PvP and it wasn’t good at launch, then they made it even worse with PvE ilvl buffs without thinking about buffing the resil equivalents.

At this point better off giving up hope and waiting for cata. People wanted the removal of rating in TBCC too, but it won’t fix an already broken game and ladder or draw new players to the Mount Everest challenge of being geared enough to compete.

At least in cata you can; as a solo player, gear up to 95% BiS completely on your own time just doing BGs and rated PvP. I think that alone will intrigue a lot of PvPers (like myself) who feel Wrath PvP is just a massive waste of time or a borderline impossible challenge to gear to at this point to be competitive.


Brilliant! Get this man hired.

buff ret :slight_smile:

Implement solo queuing for Arena (prior to Cata). Participation problem solved. You’re welcome.


I don’t know if you’ve seen retail, but solo queued as outright killed all the other brackets. I don’t think making it so the only way to play arena being solo is the right fit for classic.

Yeah, definitely. I don’t play at glad rankings so I did still have some room to climb without getting crazy Ulduar gear, but I was burnt out on raiding and it was really demotivating S6 to have PVE gear so inflated and “mandatory” so I took most of the season off. I came back this season because between sidereal essences, the speed of clearing ToC, and the general gearing balance of S7 I knew I wouldn’t be quite as disadvantaged if I wasn’t raiding regularly. The Ulduar ilvl buff really screwed many of us who spend the bulk of our time PVPing rather than grinding long raids every week.


For sure, I’d rather PVE gear not be a factor, or at least rather that people not have to raid in order to optimize gear for PVP. The flexibility you reference is my main point. If I had it 100% my way we’d get private-server style vendors that sell all of the PVE gear for honor/arena points - make it only work in PVP instances, if that keeps the dragon-slayers happy, just give people the ability to build out their character suitably without having to spend weeks grinding raids and praying to RNGesus. :smiling_face_with_tear:


God, I remember during the original Wrath I bought a pass for every arena tournament realm just for the sake of being able to try everything out and do arenas on an even playing field.


I did the same. Would play different classes just to have a grand ol’ time


Wth? It isnt about being boosted or bosting being cheating or ethical. It has zero to do with booating.

I suggested solo que for arena. That would increase the amount of players. That would be good for arena. The other elitist claimed that solo que wouldnt work because arenas REQUIRED dedicated teams to be succesful at the top end. So i used bad players being boosted to get glad title OBVIOUSLY PROOVES HIM WRONG. That is all the boosting as to do with it. It shows that it is possible to get high ranked and not be on a dedicated team week aftet week. I dont like how solo shuffle in retail works but some sort of solo que would be a good thing.

But like i said, i already figured you out. You want your suggestions and only your suggestions and will make up sht to counter anyone elses and when they point out the bs u r saying u start arguing. Gl. Not interested.

was gonna ask how is Arena in WOTLK now thinking of coming back but reading this is just depressing

It has good bones, just needs help

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Its Dead AF.

Not fond of the idea of getting roflstomped by a random dude just because i’m outgeared and pretty much unable to get geared in a reasonable amount of time.

The only things that would make me want to play arena are
Making gear a non factor while in arena. Everyone gets default stats depending on the class they’re playing and only being altered by their talents and buffs their team comps provide
Removing the rating requirements and making all pvp gear available to purchase with both arena points and honor from the get go. None of that “last season gear” garbo

Give me an even playing field or I’m not playing. Pvp is supposed to be about skill, so give everyone the same access to gear regardless of rating.

Good players will still win and bad players will still lose but at least people won’t get blasted by a random brainlet just because he outgears them
Only the cosmetic stuff stays behind the rating wall for the bragging rights and all that.

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In before the gate keepers tell you we all Arena for gear.

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