Arena participation is low; some suggestions to address the problem

Well then they can keep on crying that nobody plays their gamemode

I suspect they will… Is why gear should be fairly easy to get for Arena use, especially since its not really of any use in PVE because Resilience is part of the item budget making it far worse than actual PVE gear for Raid.

Hence why I don’t understand the gear gating… We PVP for fun and glory, not for gear. Tho I am told by a very vocal minority that players PVP for gear, but I think those people are stupid.

While i do agree that lowering the requirement for gear across the board is a good thing and will bring players into arena, I think the main issue is balance and seeing how its a figured out game, you see a lot more of the OP comps. Queing into Hpal/Elemental/X all day is no fun.

Elemental shamans were good in OG wrath in arenas and played a lot, but nothing like they are now. I know a lot of people that have boosted/leveled a Shaman just for pvp. Add in 2 maps that play really well for Elemental Shamans makes the game boring. How my 3s team does against an ele team is 100% based on what map we get.

Also most people get into arenas by queuing 2s, which is hopelessly imbalanced. Some comps just outright beat other comps with very little that you can do. Having how well your 2s que session goes being bases on what you que against is not fun. There is a reason they removed titles from the 2s bracket in OG Wrath.

Toss in stuff like the jump up on sewers that only a few races can do that is still not fixed and you run into people that enjoy arenas not playing because they can become frustrating.

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That’s not true. You can find groups for 2s/3s much faster than waiting for a solo pop.

WoW dying in general is hurting arena participation everywhere.

that’s the lowest iq crap I’ve heard “because retail has it, it not good” bro all classic wotlk is, is retail with all the changes.

EVERY COMPETITIVE popular pvp game HAS SOLO Q because it works…no one plays garbage that requires a premade team 24/7 you will have low participation.

Starcraft 2 ladder is more active than classic wow arena… EVERY GAME with solo q is more popular/competitive and active than wow arena period.

it took blizzard wow devs 20 years to figure that out. Guild wars 2 structured pvp ladder is more active instant q pop because of solo q, it’s more players playing GW2 pvp than wow arena…

If wow had rated solo q, it would explode in numbers, more casual people would play it…WOTLK Pservers have solo Q rated and its more popular than premade arenas.

solo q works to get people playing. Just don’t add solo shuffle cuz that was designed poorly, just add solo q with a certain algorithm and don’t make it cringe 6 rounds…

all they have to do is add solo q…not retail solo shuffle, but wotlk pserver arena solo q easy…

every pvp game on the market has solo q…figure it out


It’s already in the game.

They just need to convert skirmishes to allow for rated play.


the issue is arena sux. pillar humping simulator

we need rated bgs

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And let me guess…

These rated BGs, won’t be queueable through X-realm, automated functionality?

i’m like hardstuck 1600 now which is a me issue but i really wish i gained something else from arena matches now. Honor, gold, don’t really care if I’m practicing it just feels bad to do some sessions and sometimes get nothing out of it.


Your example is the example of the vast majority of people who do arena. They get their two relentless items, find out they can’t get anymore and are unable to climb, so just quit.

Rating requirements were terrible in hindsight, it’s why they weren’t present in later expansions. We need this fixed TODAY in classic, not in S8 (if it ever get addressed)


Wow is in hard decline because they no longer cater to real players; they instead cater to Shamoo.
If you want to see WoW actually grow again and be like it was; the focus of who the target demographic must revert back to real players from its present whale hunt.


Aye, I’d imagine a vast majority of current WoW players have been involved for over a decade. Not many new faces coming in these days.

has blizzard addressed this issue? does anyone have updated numbers on arena participation compared to previous seasons? Hopefully this is on Blizzard’s minds, but I doubt it.

Nope. They’ve ignored the issue to the point where my friends are about done playing. There’s a 400 point gap between chest and helmet. Helmet!

I’m nearly done myself. It’s taking too long for any type of communication from these developers on issues. I don’t think they care that people quit.


I don’t blame you. For me, I hit 2150 in 2s last season. Currently I’m around 1700 MMR. There’s barely even any upgrades at 1800.

3s has been incredibly annoying too. I’ve been trying to invite guildies to play with me, so our MMR is like 1200-1400. The enemy MMR teams have ranged from 1400-1850. We just get absolutely wrecked and never play against competitors with a similar MMR.


The second part is because the MMR is so spread out there literally isn’t enough players to fill the brackets.

The added inflation just made the MMR system act like monopoly money. So few teams are within reasonable distances of each other you’re constantly getting teams ~200 MMR above or below you.

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These players unwilling to improve enough to buy helmet etc aren’t going to play if you give them gear. They just aren’t. If they aren’t willing to play now for the gear what will make them play? The logic behind this is terrible. They’ll take the free gear then only que bgs. If arena isnt something they want to improve at, clearly if dangling gear isnt incentive enough, then what makes you think this will improve arena participation? For a few weeks it will, then they get points for gear and are never seen again.

I agree the cata system is superior, and more fair, but what’s being suggested will not improve participation in the long run. Arguably it will DECREASE participation in the long run because people no longer have shoulders etc to strive for. You’ll only have people that care about titles queing after a few weeks, which none of these people are that. This will do the opposite of what you want.

The cata system works because there’s cosmetic sets as well. There’s no point queing for these guys that dont enjoy arena enough to improve themselves. You can’t fix them not wanting to help themselves. All this will do is kneecap the season after they can afford their helm+shoulder.

It definitely is. Especially when players like myself skipped a year of playing. I have no desire to get into Arena. I’ll just get my 50 Arena points a day and eventually buy last seasons gear.

Realistically they should just remove requirements. Buff up Arena points from all sources. Daily’s BG’s give 100 pts, give points for WG. Just get people geared. You want to have 2200 weapons behind a requirement? Fine. Everything else though. Remove it.

Let everyone get Relentless geared and you might get more PvP players Queing or even Raiders/PvE players getting in there too. Players that are 2 or 3 Tiers in PvP gear behind have no reason to Que. I’m rocking my Deadly gear and even BGs are hard.


They do play now, sorta. They queue up enough to get their two items and quit because they can’t get anything else. Most just don’t bother knowing they can’t get the full set.

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Pve players doing dungeons get multiple 225s thrown at them over like a 15 minute period, 232 if they can do normal mode trial of the crusader, 245 for badges etc. Honestly seems like the best way to gear for pvp is to do your 10 games and then go grind pve, you can even buy furious gear by doing the daily heroic. Maybe after a certain point in the season the quest/daily bg reward goes up from 25 to 100 or something so people have a viable way to catch up if they put the effort in.

Pvp having absolutely no craftable items ever past the initial blues seems like an oversight too.

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